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  1. dudeoflife

    My clones are turning yellow!!!!

    Machnak- the bubble cloner is much much different. It is, what I'd like to call. "Wet Propagation". Meaning, propagation with no medium, but with O2 enriched H20. Growing in media such as rockwool or willow bark, or peat, would be "Dry Propagation" This cloning process involves a medium...
  2. dudeoflife

    My clones are turning yellow!!!!

    If you want to save your cuttings, you need to shake the excess water out of each and every one of them--- or just the ones you want to produce roots within the next 10 days. Whatever. This means, physically grabbing the plug, plant and all, and forcing water out of it. But gently. You want...
  3. dudeoflife

    My clones are turning yellow!!!!

    Your clones are drowning. Clones sitting in standing water + imminent death.
  4. dudeoflife

    Newbie needing some help

    Salt buildup in hydroton? With 1 tsp of product per 3 gallons? If you follow the instructions on the side of Floranova, your plant will get plenty of Calcium, believe me- gh is generous with it. You do not need to go out and buy Cal-Mag. If you are using 3 gallons, add a total of 3-4...
  5. dudeoflife

    got some reverse now what

    Hmmm. Phospholipids, they're called, the primary ingredient. Now I have another product to add to my nutrient project. Thanks for the heads up- now I have a new toy. Sweet.
  6. dudeoflife

    Newbie needing some help

    ...or you could give my nutes a try-- You treating 3 gallons? Send me a PM and ill send you a packet that'll treat 3 gallons of h20. A perfect blend, man. Peace.
  7. dudeoflife

    Newbie needing some help

    Nute burn? With a .70 EC, I don't think so. I highly doubt 1 tsp per 5 gallons is going to do to much of anything, either. Why don't you try adding, say, 3/4 of what's recommended on the side of the nute bottle, then go from there? Looks ok for just growing in water.
  8. dudeoflife

    getting discouraged. What do I keep doing wrong?

    How hot is that light? Looks like heat stress, man.
  9. dudeoflife

    got some reverse now what

    What is this chemical that you speak of?
  10. dudeoflife

    Non-organic nutes

    You can PM me for a free sample of of my hydroponic or hydro-organic nutrients. The latter has both organic and salt based fertilizers, and works extremely well in DWC. GH Flora, Botanicare products work well, too, in all fairness. But mine's less expensive!
  11. dudeoflife

    Organic nitrogen?

    PM me for a free sample of my organic veg nutes. It's bat shit and seaweed, basically. Potent stuff.
  12. dudeoflife

    if you could buy just 1 product for flowering?

    SmokeNGrow Nutes , man. PM me for a free sample.
  13. dudeoflife

    one out of 10 clones survived

    Nice post. Scarification helps, indeed. But all gets thrown out the window if the clones are kept too wet. Remember that, peeps!
  14. dudeoflife

    Looking for Investors/ Help with new business

    Thanks for the nice PM. I will be happy to promote your product with mine!
  15. dudeoflife

    Looking for Investors/ Help with new business

    Dude. I just got stoned and got an idea for you: let's partner up. I am a nutrient startup. You are a hydroponic equipment startup. So, You promote my nutes on your site, and I promote your grow systems on my nute site when I get it up next week (ish). The only prob so far with...
  16. dudeoflife

    What nutes? Feedback Please

    Well, yeah they need more than NPK, but the basic functions of all those added extras-- the beneficials, the trace nutes, etc. all basically serve as fixers and catalysts of the absorption and usage of NPK. I can also confirm that I have grown many a righteous bud with the GH 3 part, Koolbloom...
  17. dudeoflife

    Nasty brown leaves after 1 week vacation

    Lol. The one time I took a vacation with a grow in the closet, turned out to be the best 9 days of growth ever seen in all my 10 years. Had 6 little Apollo 11 clones all about 4 inches tall in a homemade DWC rubbermaid, using GH 3-2-1 veg formula.Under 400 watt HPS. Came back to a half dozen...
  18. dudeoflife

    Clone Light Cycles

    wyteberrywidow- "Dark time promotes root growth" ??? Generally, yes, but I do believe that in this context it is misinformation, sir. Darkness promotes root development when the plant actually has roots. Darkness does increase the speed of plant propagation.
  19. dudeoflife

    Is C02 A Necessity?

    Fresh air from outside the chamber is all you need.
  20. dudeoflife

    First week of flowering and heavy rain....

    Yes, it will have an effect on your plant: it will be watered.