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  1. dudeoflife

    Plant is getting worse

    +1 for heat stress. If the room is hotter than hell, it doesn't matter how far way you keep the lights away from the plants. But then you say the lower leaves are turning yellow. That could be a deficiency or lockout. Typically Magnesium. If MG, the best solution would be to add a tsp...
  2. dudeoflife

    Plant getting close to light!! Running out of room!! Check pics....Comments + rep

    +1 for that Nice suggestion. Walmart is the devil, but they have certainly supplied me with many tools to do the job through the years. Since you are in week 2 of bloom, the stretch should be over. Allow another 2-3 days of insane growth-- the rest of the vertical development should be mainly...
  3. dudeoflife

    100degrees + for weeks/ how much to water?

    Heat's a mofo. Most of the water you are adding each day is mainly to cover the h2o that is evaporating from the bucket, as well as the h20 that is transpiring from the foliage. And you can't really add any substantial nutes either. Just weak mixes, so as to maintain nutritional equilibrium...
  4. dudeoflife

    not sure wots happnin , please help!!

    How much water a week are you feeding the big one, and what nutes are you using?
  5. dudeoflife

    not sure wots happnin , please help!!

    LOL. Search me. They look like healthy, awesome haze plants. They are, indeed, normal. Getting skinny? That's what they do. They take a loooong time to flower, as most haze varieties do. Add 2 weeks to whaterver your seed bank quotes-- especially with haze. Awesome. Awesome. Nothing is...
  6. dudeoflife

    Blue spots??

    ... And if you see little yellow/white speckles crawling around during this waiting period, little bugs, then you know it's thrips!
  7. dudeoflife

    Blue spots??

    Well, the drooping plants in the pics of your sig indicate overwatering-- or just watered. Either way, drooping leaves are a sign of getting too much water. If they have been drooping for a while now, and now spots are showing up, that means that the plants have been overwatered for some time...
  8. dudeoflife

    Buds turning purple!

    It sounds a lot like: Gee, I don't know what to do with all of this bud. I, like, grew 2 more pounds than I was expecting. What am I going to do with all of this?
  9. dudeoflife

    Buds turning purple!

    So are you complaining or bragging that your bud is turning purple? Sounds like bragging to me. Some strains turn purple from the mobilization of nitrogen in the leaves. Stop bragging, dammit.
  10. dudeoflife

    Blue spots??

    Silvery spots are thrip damage. A silvery patch that would look blue under CFL's.
  11. dudeoflife

    3rd time

    A motley crew of pots you have there.
  12. dudeoflife

    My Unquenchable Thirst For Weed Auctions

    Thanks for the heads up!
  13. dudeoflife

    Grow Ep 2 - The Clone Wars

    Looks great-- what nutes are you using? I ask because the purple stems on one of 'em is a sign of P deficiency/ lockout, or high PH. Just wondering!
  14. dudeoflife

    Seed to Flower to Veg

    Yep, it all hinges on the genetics.
  15. dudeoflife


    Sir, the flowering period lasts 12 hours.
  16. dudeoflife

    Drying on Screens

    No prob. It'll work just fine. Just remeber to flip the turds once a day. Foliage can mold up under its own weight.
  17. dudeoflife

    week six of flowering leaves turning brown

    And remember: you try to grow nice buds, not nice leaves! Look at the buds, man!
  18. dudeoflife

    week six of flowering leaves turning brown

    Why worry about a deficiency NOW??? They look great. Really. Add nothing. Go ahead and flush with a week solution or plain tap water. They look like they are about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks away from finishing. If you're that concerned about the deficiency, it looks like a Calcium lockout from...
  19. dudeoflife

    are all my leaves dying?

    + for drowning. Time for a complete overhaul. Way too small for 4 1/2 weeks. Look at it this way: it's not thriving-- it's staying alive.