Search results

  1. dudeoflife

    one out of 10 clones survived

    "The plugs were very wet at all times from the solution in the tray and the clone were standing upright and even had what appeared to be new growth." That's why. 1/2 inch of standing water in the tray? Imminent death. here's the correct way: Dunk the plugs in ph'd water. Squeeze the water...
  2. dudeoflife

    Curving (not curling or cupping) leaves. Should I panic?

    Also- if you want to test the ph, you are going to have to go to a hydro store or order a thing or two online. The easiest and most inexpensive way is to purchase a soil ph tester. Stick it the soil, hope the PH is around 7.0 They are cheap and break easily, so buy 2 of 'em! They're about 7...
  3. dudeoflife

    Curving (not curling or cupping) leaves. Should I panic?

    If she almost died from overwatering, then my guess is that you are overwatering it still. Here's an idea: wait until that cup gets as light as a feather. Forget about ph. Let the soil dry almost completely before you do anything. Look at it this way: if the leaves are curling now, what...
  4. dudeoflife

    How big of bubble bags/how many bags should i buy?(+rep)

    Harvested 8.5 lbs dry and processed all trim leaves with the 5 bag, 5 gallon set. No prob. Got about an ounce and a half of 3 different grades of full melt. 73 micron (if I remember correctly) was the cat's meow.2 of the bags filter out crap. Paid a lot of money for the set, however, and in...
  5. dudeoflife

    WTF?? Is this bud rot or something??

    If it's a cocoon thingy- then most likely powdery mildew or a kind of mold. But that may not be the cause of it- because flower necrosis, as mentioned above, opens the door to such infirmities.
  6. dudeoflife

    Overwatering???? I'm clueless. Blue Mystic

    Probably overnute AND overwatered. They're seedlings. Why don't you just have them in a peat/rockwool plug, or a solo cup? This will allow the grow medium to dry evenly and quickly, so you can water to your heart's content. And you shouldn't add anything but ph balanced water, perhaps with a...
  7. dudeoflife

    Yellowing & Browning Leaves.. HELP!!

    +1 for sulfur Sulfur and/or Magnesium deficiency can be easily taken care of with epsom salts. Add Tsp per gallon, or a heaping tablespoon per 5 gal
  8. dudeoflife

    My babies Aren't Flowering Yet!! HELP ME PLEASE

    Mr Captain- I had a few crops in the 'Nati- and lemme tell you: If they aren't clones, then you're wasting your time. Bagseed always yielded nothing more than just a few frosty leaves. That's a bout it. You in Burnet Woods? lol. Stab in the dark.
  9. dudeoflife

    Think your Bulb Doesn't matter? Hortilux comparison blowout ! Pictures say it ALL!

    I've been screaming this shit since day one. Hortilux is the truth.
  10. dudeoflife

    Owning a hand gun

    Guns and weed-- any kind of drugs-- don't mix-- no matter the supposed legality. Period. Guns complicate things. Drugs complicate things. You dig? Choose only one complication. It's a lot easier that way.
  11. dudeoflife

    M39 indoor clones / soil / veg

    In answer to your question about nutes: You should try my nutes! Anyhow, I wouldn't be too concerned about the leaves that are burnt-- if they were the original leaves of the clone. They typically yellow up like that when new legs are sprouting, because it is using up the nutrient reserves in...
  12. dudeoflife

    Wanted: paying $50 for pictures of a clone grown in DWC with Advanced Nutrients

    OK- Scratch that. Instead of opening just another online grow store, I've decided to focus more on making nutrients. I've just started a nutrient company!
  13. dudeoflife

    Maybe nitro deficient but not sure

    It's natural, because Nitrogen is so damn mobile in outdoor topsoil. Honestly, you can leave it alone. 90% of the outdoor growers do. But there is a small percentage of us outdoor growers, myself included,who sometimes add N. MJ uses just as much- if not, more- nitrogen during flowering as...
  14. dudeoflife

    Is this TOO MUCH LIGHT??

    +1 for vegging some more! You could have another grow finish one month behind this grow. Big buds more.
  15. dudeoflife

    Triple Cotyledon DNA Genetics Sour Cream

    Lol. Clover. How old is it? A week or so away from getting its first feeding?
  16. dudeoflife

    Soil vs hydroponics for what & why?

    Soil has a cheaper startup than most hydro techniques. But the losses in yield over the long term will prove to be more costly than growing hydro. When done right, hydroponically grown weed will yield far greater, without any noticeable loss of quality. That said, it's easier to get better...
  17. dudeoflife

    FDD censored my post twice

    Too true! And why are we even discussing race on a MJ forum? The only genetics we should be talking about on this site should be about marijuana- not human.
  18. dudeoflife

    Have Question about PH.....Need Help!

    It starts to show after a few days. But mind you, when the ph is THAT low, nothing is happening. No nute uptake, nothing. If ur growing in soil, why don't you just dump some tap water in the soil? sheeez.... And why don't you check out my nutes if you're having ph trouble. see sig peace
  19. dudeoflife

    Cannabis growing guide

    Nice work. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  20. dudeoflife

    Methodical, scientific approach to nutrients and nutrient formulations discussion

    Blah blah blah. Just go ahead and try my nutes. Something different. Peace.