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  1. GrizzlyAdams


    Soil is far more forgiving than hydro my friend. If you were looking to specifically set up a tote system (which isn't very appealing to me) I'd get two of the monster long oval tubs and take some of that time you got on your hands to mount a movable fluorescent tube fixture across the top of...
  2. GrizzlyAdams


    Messaged you. On a grow that small, intake fans are pretty useless. Somewhere where air can get in is allllll you needed. Those small fans are lucky to be moving 10 true CFM, you can't get good circulation with wire caged fans, its why I suggested that 20 dollar inline booster. Caged fans move...
  3. GrizzlyAdams

    Fuck this site part 3

    Yeah man, just messing around. Mocking some QQ monster from earlier
  4. GrizzlyAdams

    Fuck this site part 3

    oh. my. god. Palmface
  5. GrizzlyAdams

    Fuck this site part 3

    Even with the ludicrous subject matter, people laughing in response, AND saying "this is a joke" still comes back with two people thinking its serious. THAT is some of the funniest shit ever. I was hitting my bong when I read "I fart on them to raise the Co2" and laughed into the bong so hard...
  6. GrizzlyAdams

    Is this what I hope its not? <SpiderMites><Pics>

    Those spots really don't look like mites man, waaaaay too big for spider mites.
  7. GrizzlyAdams

    Fuck this site part 3

    if you're not a troll, you probably didn't read fuck this site part 1 and the sequel.
  8. GrizzlyAdams

    Fuck this site part 3

    ok u think u can not help me and yell at me when i call u out?!> ur bitches and should be sad cuz now you dun get my knowledge to help your HARVENST! FUCK YOU ASSHOLES you dun thik I can talk to u like that? Wel check it out bitch, jorge cervantes can suck my cock because nobody else is as...
  9. GrizzlyAdams

    the fuck this site part 2

    @ shark - 18+ only man! You sound like someone's baby brother when they won't let them play nintendo right away. Glad your retarded ass learned to type. Can we ban this guy's IP? There's nothing to say or explain, with the hundreds of new people every month lets just ban this one. I think I'd...
  10. GrizzlyAdams


    First plant should get 4 colas. Second plant? Two. The upper growth is removed so thats just dead. The lower two bits of new growth are going to come upwards as the new top of the plant.
  11. GrizzlyAdams


    What mites do you have
  12. GrizzlyAdams

    wtf is this bug eating my plant?

    Dude that plant looks like it has balls. Well your leaf problem ISN'T worms, caterpillars, slugs, snails, or leafcutters by the damage I can see right now. Honestly I'm not sure where the holes in the leaves are coming from but the plant looks overwatered. I had a plant in my first grow that...
  13. GrizzlyAdams

    some experienced heads needed

    Dual spectrum bulbs? I've grown with son agro bulbs before. A 430W to be specific. Worked great.
  14. GrizzlyAdams

    2 foot tall weed plant in an 8ich pot

    I'm not correct, I'm just repeating what you taught me last year brick! Skunkbudz, listen to whatever bricktop says. I followed his information and never looked back.
  15. GrizzlyAdams

    2 foot tall weed plant in an 8ich pot

    Your plant is going to grow roots until it dies. The plant SHOULD have the same mass above ground as it does below ground. If your plant wouldn't fit wadded up in your medium. . . .its time to transplant.
  16. GrizzlyAdams

    Light proof intake

  17. GrizzlyAdams

    fuck this site

    Wow. You're seriously chewing out fdd? The man has FORGOTTEN more about growing than your stupid ass will ever know. Martyr his ass black! I support it! Better yet, lock the thread. Its seriously useless
  18. GrizzlyAdams

    fuck this site

    ^ Amen brick, won't let me rep you right away. I had to take a break for a few months before coming back, seems much the same. I'm probably going to stay away from the boards for every single reason you mentioned. Helping people out via messages is way less painful and I don't have to read...
  19. GrizzlyAdams

    Looking to adopt a bear cub.

    mycorrhizae is good stuff, I use it. good air circulation and clean habits will probably stop a fungal problem before it starts.
  20. GrizzlyAdams

    styrofoam cups ok?

    Peat moss is pretty acidic actually, if you're going to do 50% perlite I'd make sure the rest of your soilless stuff is adjusted to ph neutral Styrofoam cups are fine long as you punch holes in the bottom. With 32 oz my concern would be space for roots, plant needs the same mass above ground as...