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  1. desertrat

    DNA Genetics Lemon Skunk Grow

    now we know he went to wharton and has a grad degree from cornell. bet i could find out who he is inside a day. same here. you must be getting low on good stuff because nobody can be as passionate as you and be properly medicated. :blsmoke:
  2. desertrat

    completely new to this looking for some input

    sorry to bust the thread but pm isn't working. just wanted to say +rep for the great guide and that you should add this to the lighting section or you're just going to keep getting the question. another change i'd strongly suggest would be to add a little bit about security. i hope site...
  3. desertrat

    completely new to this looking for some input

    what riddleme said first. then you are going to need a lot more light. your cfl's are no more than 26 actual watts each and are barely enough light for one plant.
  4. desertrat

    bet you can't do worse...

    anybody have any idea how i can help these guys other than getting the problem out of the equation and leaving them the hell alone? but i'm not going to compromise the environment that my flowering carmelicious plant wants to save the surprise seeds i also got from Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds...
  5. desertrat

    Quick and Easy Question

    not at all.
  6. desertrat

    100% sealed system.... Why vent the hoods?

    one reason would be to get the lights closer to the plants. that's a bigger factor than light loss through glass. also, it's gotta be cheaper than more a/c to run a closed system with the air coming from outside the grow area and leaving the grow area without mixing with grow room air.
  7. desertrat

    grow tent 2x3x5 cooling and odor

    that fan's no good with a carbon filter. this is the type of fan you need to pull through a carbon filter. either ona gel or carbon filter, both work well. i have to say this is the first time i've heard of someone trying to hide a grow...
  8. desertrat

    Quick and Easy Question

    that's totally up to personal choice, you can go to 12/12 at anytime. the longer you veg the bigger the plant and the higher the yield (within reason).
  9. desertrat

    DNA Genetics Lemon Skunk Grow

    hey valhalla88, i got your friend request and then hit a bug and the request disappeared. then i tried pm and hit another bug. so, not ignoring you but right now technology is winning vs people.
  10. desertrat

    New Site Live

    admin, i had a new friend request today but when i clicked on manage friendships it first showed the new friend requests as "2" (i had one old request) but the new friendship wasn't listed below. i refreshed the page and then it said i had only 1 friend request. and what happened to the grow faq?
  11. desertrat

    Hanging dry...CRISPY after 2 days...

    hey valhalla88, light up a bowl and move on with your karma intact. as for midnightoker, "you can lead a horse to water, but if he drowns in it it's not your fault".
  12. desertrat

    Planning first grow.

    never tried autoflowers so can't help. usually the seed bank will give an estimate of grow time, then add a couple of weeks because seed banks seem to always underestimate the time.
  13. desertrat

    New Handmade Room/8X4X6/2X400wHPS/Perpetual/Variety Of Strains&Grow Techniques

    those plants look great but you would do even better with more light. you're at about 4,000 lumens per square foot and the recommended range is 7,000 to 10,000 lumens per square foot. some people think 3,000 lumens per square foot is adequate but that's all it is, barely adequate. your yield...
  14. desertrat

    thanks for the rep. - desertrat

    thanks for the rep. - desertrat
  15. desertrat

    Hanging dry...CRISPY after 2 days...

    the outside of the buds will dry quickly at that relative humidity but the insides are still wet. yes, put them in the jar and in twenty four hours they'll be wet on the outside as the moisture migrates out. if they're really wet then lay them out on a piece of paper until they're the dryness...
  16. desertrat

    newbie problem..

    great plan if you want to kill a sprout. assuming you used garden soil it has enough fertilizer for the first few weeks. adding nutes will kill it. ask around.
  17. desertrat

    Planning first grow.

    :-P perfect sense, all of the non-pro growers are here for quality, not quantity per se. that said, you don't want to run out. as you plan your space here's an approach you can use to work backward from how much weed you want to how many plants, to how much space, to how many crops to...
  18. desertrat

    PC grow box 75watts CFL - Little help/tips/clues/opinions needed!

    no, but you'll get better growing results if you can get the humidity higher for vegging. 20% is ok for flowering. no measurable change. in theory the 2700k probably puts out a little more heat.
  19. desertrat

    Bagseed I found!!!

    there is no real need to be careful about the changeover. i'd guess 90% of people just go straight to 12/12, i do. some people like to give the plant 24 to 48 hours of darkness as this is supposed to help induce flowering. some people like to step the time down in one of the ways you...
  20. desertrat

    newbie problem..

    hope it's neither as you shouldn't be fertilizing at all for the first few weeks. but your plant looks fine - if you are worried about the first leaf set it is natural for them to die.