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  1. Humple

    Help me choose a 4x4flowertent light

    I'm curious about this seemingly absolute faith you have in an anonymous forum member. I'm not saying he doesn't know his shit (I'm not saying he does), but to be so certain that he "knows best"? That strikes me as a bit odd, to be honest. Though there are many knowledgeable people on RIU, I...
  2. Humple

    Help me choose a 4x4flowertent light

    It's a question of verification though. HLG's lights are backed by 3rd party testing, Amare's are not. Now I don't know enough about the Amare to be 100% certain it is NOT more efficient, but... That's really the problem, isn't it? As in the world of single malts, if it's not on the label, it's...
  3. Humple

    Diyleduk Scope 240 led strip light Upgrade

    At this point, I don't know that I'd even be surprised, man.
  4. Humple

    Diyleduk Scope 240 led strip light Upgrade

    What the fuck, man. Fucking voodoo or some shit with those temps, I swear! Rocking it like a wizard, as usual. But what in the ever-loving bloody fuck, man? HOW????
  5. Humple

    GrowMau5 LED Kit

    You should see better uniformity of light as well. I think two QBs are just about the best option for a 2x3x5 - 576 diodes blanketing the canopy, nearly from end to end, as well as a very low profile, which will give you more headroom for your plants. Although I'm of the opinion that strips are...
  6. Humple

    GrowMau5 LED Kit

    I think you can do better, to be honest. How much does the kit cost? I just ordered a new 2x3x5 tent myself, and I'm building a v1 Quantum Board fixture that'll run over 200 watts (at very good efficiency) for well under $200. Personally, I went with an HLG-185H-54A to power it. You will...
  7. Humple

    Question about DIY qb

    That is enough for a 2x4. It's true that you would have the potential to yield more with more light, but (in my opinion) optimizing your environment and plant health will do more for you than bumping up from 32w/sq ft to 40w/sq ft.
  8. Humple

    I'm going to using QB's. Does anyone here supplement veg with fluorescent lights?

    I veg with straight 3000k QBs, and it works great. That said, my new clones and seedlings are always started under a 6500k 65w CFL.
  9. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Just ordered two v1 boards in 3000k, along with a Slate 2 double, and a new 2'x3x5' tent for all-purpose overflow grows (it'll go in the bedroom closet). This fixture will be powered by an HLG-185H-54A. Hard to beat a 200+ watt light for around $150. That'll bring me to 12 Quantum Boards in...
  10. Humple

    Help me with these LED choices please

    It's QB120s that go to 60w without heatsinks. The QB132 does 75w without heatsinks.
  11. Humple

    Making LED work in a cool basement?

    Yeah, if I could have afforded it, that would have been a good option - after I insulated and walled the place! Which also would have cost me, and I just had to replace the furnace, so a remodel/outfitting of the basement wasn't in the cards. I just decided to say fuck it. He who fights and runs...
  12. Humple

    Making LED work in a cool basement?

    The majority of my time in the basement was under LED. Quantum Boards, to be precise. Two 31"x31"x71" tents, each with a 250 watt fixture. My basement is unfinished and quite drafty at the sill, so Michigan winters will bring the ambient temps down into the high 40's. I partitioned off a 10'x20'...
  13. Humple

    Anyone running a HLG 550 V2 R-spec? DO you like them?

    It's an excellent fixture. If you're at all handy, you can buy the components and put it together yourself, at a lower cost. Or, if you don't mind shelling out the coin for a pre-built, just buy it and hang it. Either way, you'll be very happy with the results.
  14. Humple

    Making LED work in a cool basement?

    This ^^. If necessary, you could leave the lights on 24/7, which should help in maintaining temps. (Is ruderalis more cold-friendly anyway, being from Siberia and whatnot?)
  15. Humple

    Making LED work in a cool basement?

    I grew in a cold basement for a couple of years, and it was a constant battle to keep the environment controlled and the plants healthy. Ultimately gave up and moved the grow upstairs, to my bedroom. If you can insulate the space, or even just the tent itself, you may be okay. Or you could try...
  16. Humple

    New grower

    Good catch, I didn't even notice what driver he had linked. I actually use an HLG-240H-C2100A - with the boards wired in series - for each of my fixtures. Going parallel certainly has its upsides though.
  17. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    The A version drivers also give a little more juice than the B models (though efficiency hounds probably don't care much about that). Is that also true for the ABs?
  18. Humple

    Alibaba 550?? Which one?

    Brilliant use of space in that pic. This is a great example of why HID lighting - especially for commercial grows - is a dying breed. The stubborn old-timers will either have to change with the times or be left well behind on production. It's also a great example of why strips are the most...
  19. Humple

    New grower

  20. Humple

    New grower

    Correct. I run two 4xQB120 (v1) fixtures in 3000k, at 80-250w each (a little over 60w per board) - no heatsinks and they've been doing right by me for a couple of years now. I highly recommend them for full-cycle growing.