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  1. D

    what kind of 12 crappy plants produce 2.5oz of mmj seriously? WTH

    Here in Colorado the law provides for this discrepancy. Our law defines " in usable form" to mean off the stems. Therefore, as long as you leave the large stems attached, plants are not in the usable form. This does mean being creative with storage, but I'll be using air tight totes to store...
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    600Watt LED hydro gro-op...5 strains CLICK FOR MORE

    well, it worked, mostly, so here are some crystally pics.
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    600Watt LED hydro gro-op...5 strains CLICK FOR MORE

    I also grow with LEDs and my first harvest is about a week away. I am experimenting with taping my loupe to my camera lens so I can show people my girls crystally goodness. I had to go with 120W LEDs and also use 2-14W red panels to enhance blooming. Thus far I have been very satisfied with my...
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    You have no idea what you are talking about. I am have been using 2-120W LED ( cost of $125 each ) panels mixed blue and red for the past 3.5 months and am very happy with the results, especially the veg stage. LEDs have amazing penetrating ability and bottoms of my plants are just as healthy as...
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    Immigration enforcement vs. Corporate responsiblity

    Let me start by saying that I have no problem with people immigrating to America LEGALLY!!! However, I think our government ( regardless of party in power ) has really dropped the ball on this issue. If those HIRING illegals, were fined heavily, there woiuld be less incentive to hire illegals...
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    if you dont watch this your probably dumb

    I'm no left wing loon, and I have said the system is broken for a loooooooooooooong time. However, I just can't get on the band wagon of any new party that has the absolute stupidity to consider Sarah Palin for anything other than what she is. A money grubbing corporate lackey set forth with the...
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    Fuck. My head got busted=[

    Don't sweat it make up a cool story about how it happened, and then reap the rewards. Chicks dig scars.
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    I have grown in the middle of a trailer court by growing plant among a bunch of pea plants and training plant onto the pea trellis. What you need to realize ( see invisible gorilla test ) is that people are not looking for pot plants, and thus those hidden in plain sight go undetected. The only...
  9. D

    COLAS TOO HEAVY! Help...

    I would suggest that you very gently wrap your plants in a cage of chicken wire if you're really concerned. However, in my experience plants won't break, and it won't really hurt them to sag under their own weight. I do recall reading that, like LST, plants sagging will actually improve potency...
  10. D

    my tea recipe. what yall think?

    And much better way to get worm castings into soil is to just add a few worms to each plant. Of course this means you have to remain organic or kill your worms.
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    my tea recipe. what yall think?

    Oh, and as to pathogens in human urine, I have it on professional horticulturist's authority that there just are no human bourne pathogens ( in urine ) that stand a chance in hell against the assorted beasties present in organic soil.
  12. D

    my tea recipe. what yall think?

    Now that's a rather ignorant statement as the vast majority of Urea nitrogen is collected from cow bladders in slaughter houses. So, free human urine, or pay for dried cow urine....Uh...Duh... I'll choose Keep doing what you're doing man. I use urine by pissing on my compost pile...
  13. D

    if you dont watch this your probably dumb

    Where as I concede that not all conservatives are stupid people, I hold it to be equally true that most stupid people are conservatives.
  14. D

    Watering at night

    Actually, there is the consideration that the fungus that fungus gnats feed on grows best in the dark. But, if you keep surface of your soil broken up the fungus can't form.
  15. D

    Just curious, please respond.

    I had a plant do the weird leaf thing as well, and a horticulturist told me that because marijuana has been hybridized so much, it is prone to odd mutations. Mine had gone so far as to putting on only one leaf at a time. That was about two months ago when we were getting very strong winds. Since...
  16. D

    MK Ultra

    I was lucky enough to get a seed in some MK Ultra I bought at dispensary. I know it is female because she started putting on preflowers at about 3 weeks. Grows really fast, clones really easy, and clones get over initial shock quickly and start growing fast as well. I was growing her and two...
  17. D

    Consider Your Vote Carefully

    I just thought I would try to get some thoughtful consideration going regarding the up coming elections. I understand the level of frustration many of us feel in this economic down time, but we must fully contemplate all the repercussions if we " Throw the bums out ". Obama and his...
  18. D

    Misting budding plants...? ( Dry climate )

    I also live in Colorado, and the biggest concern regarding misting flowering plants is mold. As I am sure your aware, we just don't have the mold problem other places do. I also mist my flowering ladies, just try not to hit flowers too much, and I never have had any mold. Also, IMO, humidity...
  19. D

    My plants are dead

    You've got that right trichlone fiend. Also with organic teas ( I am blessed to have actual compost to make mine so mine is free ) flushing soil isn't required because your not adding unusually high levels of nutes. Forgot to mention that in my grow room I have added 4-5 earthworms to each of my...
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    Can i Get more than just Seed???

    Am I the only person who keeps males to collect pollen, and make hash oil from rest of plant? As I make hash oil from all my plant scraps ( including males ) can't say how much oil can be extracted from males, but doesn't hurt to do something with those poor doomed males.