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  1. kricket53

    Next and last state to legalize mmj?

    damn i gotta get to california :eyesmoke:
  2. kricket53

    what type of joint is the best?

    spliffs(joints with a little tobacco) are nice. increases the effect.
  3. kricket53

    An idea for a new forum

    yes. we need forum reform.
  4. kricket53

    Police knocking on door. NY

    that's one of my favorite ways to get revenge on people who wrong me. i once got ripped off by this dealer. he was way bigger than me, so i couldn't beat him up or anything, so i stopped buying from him, and got everybody else to stop buying from him, and i've cost him almost every one of his...
  5. kricket53

    First Time You Ever Toked?

    the best part about being high is the part where you realize that you are high.
  6. kricket53

    smoking for free?

    when i want free weed i just hit up my friend chris. hes over in ten minutes with a fat bag of the good stuff. then another time ill hook him up, and everybody gets free weed. its the circle of high.
  7. kricket53

    Got a call from cops about weed smells on my property

    "oink oink oink strong smell of reefers oink oink growing the assassin of youth oink oink SQUEEEAAAAL! mexicans and blacks rape white girls because of marijuana!"
  8. kricket53

    Police knocking on door. NY

    authoritys fucked up in general when it comes to weed. my assistant princable in high school confiscated weed then kept it for personal use..2 of my frie ds have seen her stash.
  9. kricket53

    Next and last state to legalize mmj?

    i havebt really been following medical weed in my state but i was wondering whether or not massachusettes is considering going green?
  10. kricket53

    2.5 grams

    shwagg sucks. just cause its cheap doesnt mean its good..i'd rather have a half ounce of kb rather than an ounce of shwagg..
  11. kricket53

    used for smoke

    yeah i once had a friend like that. i just ignore the kid now.
  12. kricket53

    So What's Your Favorite Smoking Device???

    that piece isnt with us anymore...R.I.P.
  13. kricket53

    First Time You Ever Toked?

    haha everybody on here has a great first toke story.
  14. kricket53

    mushroom coming out of soil

    the only time i'd ever try shrooms is if like my best friend was sober and i had no fears so i'd be at ease.
  15. kricket53

    used for smoke

    i dont really smoke joints but i take resin hits from my bowl when i'm out.
  16. kricket53


    not sure but it might work so try it.
  17. kricket53

    Any Good Non-Marijuana Herbs That I Can Grow?

    makes sense :)
  18. kricket53


    it will work, eventually. THC is soluable in alcohol, it just may take a little while. give a few days/week. then it will fuck you up ;)
  19. kricket53

    Any Good Non-Marijuana Herbs That I Can Grow?

    never heard of any of those, but i'll look them up online.
  20. kricket53

    New To Medical Weed

    thanks for the advice. very informative. i'm hoping medicals legal in massachusettes soon.