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  1. hearmenow

    Grow: The next generation. Early Misty and Master Kush!

    Watered today with a cocktail of 1g water, 1/4 tsp Superthrive, 5 tsp molasses, 1.5 tsp FF Big Bloom and 6 tsp Tiger Bloom. Buds showing some thickening in the moms.
  2. hearmenow

    For All The Floridians Out There......

    As long as you aren't a narc....
  3. hearmenow

    Practice run. Wish me luck!

    Hands down the best smoke I've had is some Cali Kush. Smooth, long lasting with a real nice stone.
  4. hearmenow

    Things not to do while high

    We were trying to go with a "burnt amber" or something in the warm reds-oranges....we ended up with fucking carrot-top on our walls..... Never ever EVER decide while high that it's ok to talk to your wife about sex with any of your ex's. Unless your dog has an airconditioned doghouse.
  5. hearmenow

    For All The Floridians Out There......

    Well who knows, maybe one day you'll make it down here and I will show you how we do it up.
  6. hearmenow

    Things not to do while high

    Never ever pick paint colors to paint your living room, you'll be shocked what you end up with when sober.
  7. hearmenow

    For All The Floridians Out There......

    I'm lucky in that I married a woman who is just as much a fanatic as I am. September-January is both our favorite time of year. Can't wait for the home opener!
  8. hearmenow

    Practice run. Wish me luck!

    Thanks. The current grow is an entirely different story.
  9. hearmenow

    For All The Floridians Out There......

    Not a football fan???? When you tailgate the way we do, you quickly become a fb fan, even if you don't have a clue about the game.
  10. hearmenow

    Grow: The next generation. Early Misty and Master Kush!

    As the title indicates, I now have the 3 moms and 3 clones flowering under my 400w HPS. For whatever reasons, my moms and clones were flowering under 18/6 of 400W MH. I have yet to find an adequate explanation but it has to be one of 3 causes: 1) too much stress (only stress I can think of is...
  11. hearmenow

    For All The Floridians Out There......

    Post your football allegiance: Naturally, I'm a Miami Dolphins fan (season tix holder).
  12. hearmenow

    Need some advice...

    Probably not. Usually the'll show sex 5-10 days. It's all strain dependent. You can leave all 3 together for now. Even if the other 2 start showing balls, they will be too immature to fertilize the fem that early. You didn't say whether you were already in 12/12 or what lighting you were using...
  13. hearmenow

    DOPEoNaROPEnew grow method!!

    Not as ground breaking as my fart medium to grow: Put wet seeds in a ziplock bag. Fart in it 3 times a day. Once germinated, please in used toilet paper. Fart once a morning PRIOR to your morning bowel movement (this is the key). You will have a fully mature, flowering plant in 2 weeks.
  14. hearmenow

    this could be a major problem/ how to lose a lb of bud

    I doubt natural sunlight would be so intense as to burn leaves from water droplets. HID lighting, yes. Sunlight? I doubt it. JMHO.
  15. hearmenow

    this could be a major problem/ how to lose a lb of bud

    While you are at it, you might have to flush too. Some of the chems could have dripped down into the soil. Hopefully it's just light deprivation and nothing more. Would be a shame to lose such an impressive looking plant.
  16. hearmenow

    DOPEoNaROPEnew grow method!!

    Growing from rope??? WTF?? Is this bogus? From those pics it looks like he's drying his buds, not growing them. Me thinks our legs are being pulled.
  17. hearmenow

    Need some advice...

    Typically males show their sex before fems. You didn't mention whether all 3 plants are the same strain or not.
  18. hearmenow

    any other hobbies?

    Hobbies? What's that? Who has time for hobbies? I suppose my other "hobby" would have to be the Miami Dolphins. We are season ticket holders and are serious tailgaters.
  19. hearmenow

    What strain are they??

    They are a hybrid of East Timor Kush and Misty. But seriously, there is no way to tell strain from your picks. general guideline is indica dominant strain tends to be shorter with broad leaves, while sativa tends to be taller with narrower, "finger-like" leaves. Most commercial strains today...
  20. hearmenow

    After You Have Topped

    46.784 hours.