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  1. D.B.Doober

    Bachelor Party In Las Vegas!

    Wear a tshirt that says "Mr. Papageorgio" and if asked about glasses state "I do not require them" :)
  2. D.B.Doober

    Potential risk!!! Should I cut?

    there really isn't much of a difference between 71% and 91% yes ideally you want the plant material to be could freeze it too, that will make the trichomes brittle and ready to come off
  3. D.B.Doober

    Potential risk!!! Should I cut?

    3grams of dried leaves is actually a pretty decent amount...what's that like two handfull? Don't make ISO oil, make ISO hash Take a coffee grinder and throw the leaves in there with ISO..just enough ISO to cover up the top of the leaves. Grind it up, take a disposable coffee filter and strain...
  4. D.B.Doober

    New homemade bong

    hey man if it works go with it. When I don't have a glass bong Itry to make one out of the biggest thing I can find...last time it was a Tropicana bottle...a gallon I think...was awesome, used it for like 6 months no joke.
  5. D.B.Doober

    Thanksgiving NFL halftime show

    you know what, it's fucking Motown - why not have Urethra Franklin or some other cool 60's Motown hero sing during halftime??? Makes sense, it is Detroit. WAY better than Nickelback btw.
  6. D.B.Doober

    Help The Situation?

    yeah what rowlman said - get a little cfl grow on...make a cabinet or use the closet. Do it now man, as it won't be ready for like 12 weeks after you plant the seed, esecially if you're going to do a scrog or osmehting
  7. D.B.Doober

    Troll Wars II aka Greatest Thread Ever pt 1

    OHHHHHHHHH MY GOD...that was absolutely the WORST video I've veer seen...they obviously can't play the instruments with their oversized fingers...this is from like the height of teeny bopper when the Spice Girls were big...this is such a joke. Can't believe little kids got their...
  8. D.B.Doober

    Potential risk!!! Should I cut?

    hey that one plant is doing pretty damn good for CFL. wow. I don't know what you should do...maybe move the plants to another place and kick the guy out. Will take like 30 days to kick him out though. Not sure what you should do man.
  9. D.B.Doober

    Troll Wars II aka Greatest Thread Ever pt 1

    both of my roommates are literally INSANE...both are Chinese chicks and I think both of them are like developmentally disabled or something....they will open and close and lock their bedroom doors like 5 times in a 2 minute's like WTF are you doing????????? FREAKS man. Just fucking...
  10. D.B.Doober

    Insomniacs Unite!!!!

    I took a Seroquel at 10 last night and woke up at 2pm today
  11. D.B.Doober

    Troll Wars II aka Greatest Thread Ever pt 1

    guys like shorter women because it makes them feel like John Holmes
  12. D.B.Doober

    come in, have a drink with me.

    used that beer in the beef beef stew ever...i still think that beer i bought wasn't made for drinking and was like exclusively for cooking
  13. D.B.Doober

    My girlfriend

    turn up the volume
  14. D.B.Doober

    Its a natural bodily function so which one have you done ????

    everything from 1-7 this morning I had a type I
  15. D.B.Doober

    What are some of your favorite quotations +Rep for originality

    I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast at any time". So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance. I don't kill flies but I like to mess with their minds. I hold them above globes. They freak out and yell, 'Whoa, I'm way too high!'
  16. D.B.Doober

    Troll Wars II aka Greatest Thread Ever pt 1

    unwanted boners
  17. D.B.Doober

    come in, have a drink with me.

    the difference between this stout and a Guinness is like comparing a...peppermint candy with a sour patch was like drinking the chilled spices from a stew. It's SO bitter and pungent.
  18. D.B.Doober

    come in, have a drink with me.

    I went to detox/hospital once for alcohol and benzos and I was .38
  19. D.B.Doober

    Troll Wars II aka Greatest Thread Ever pt 1

    oh shit is it an hour forward or back? Because I slept until like 2pm...did I really sleep until 3pm or 1pm?
  20. D.B.Doober

    Finally in sync with RIU - Best Thread Ever Pt II

    women can seriously be the worst thing a man can let bring him down... But women can say the same thing about guys. Many a man has been ruined or become a boob because of a really attractive woman