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  1. Doobie Doober

    What kind of girls do you like?

    i thought you ment black asian girls with freckles
  2. Doobie Doober

    HIgh everyone!

    Waaaazzzzzz up? Heyo welcome to riu, pretty kick ass website, but it could be cooler if we had a virtual reality system intigrated into the website but i dont think they will. But welcome
  3. Doobie Doober

    Should i tattoo myself?

    yea, just i hope she doesnt try to light the bowl
  4. Doobie Doober

    What kind of girls do you like?

    i dont think black girls get freckels.
  5. Doobie Doober

    grind regs in my krypt only grinder?

    it wont do a damn thing.....and not all mids has bag seed.
  6. Doobie Doober

    Do you consider slipknot metal?

    well most bassist's ive seen act like fuck shits. By that i mean, i saw a bassist from some band crouching down like he is taking a sh lmao sorry, let me try to find a pic of it. I think it was mettalica. i cant find the actual pic but here is what it looked like
  7. Doobie Doober

    Pizza Hut

    now you guys got me wanting a nice pep pizza with hot wings and all while doing some bong loads
  8. Doobie Doober

    Should i tattoo myself?

    mabey get a bong tattooed on it and tell my girl to hit it.
  9. Doobie Doober

    Should i tattoo myself?

    i understand that some of my posts are stupid as a result of adhd with nothing to do, but why would he make a new account to do the same thing? And its not like your the robot chicken being forced to read and respond to them. As a stoner i think of random shit, as a person with adhd i fell the...
  10. Doobie Doober

    University of Andy

    congratz on your firsts post
  11. Doobie Doober

    What kind of girls do you like?

    lol i got my girl a couple pieces of bubble cum for her birthday
  12. Doobie Doober

    Should i tattoo myself?

    i dont understand how one could change there name and why would one change there name. If it is possible to change names then i wanna change mine.
  13. Doobie Doober

    Video Game Addiction-Need Help, serious addiction

    no i got enough attention with all these women surrounding me naked rubbing there tits on my moniter (GOD DAMNIT KELLY, get your boobs off my keyboard adkpfvbadvbhf
  14. Doobie Doober

    Should i tattoo myself?

    So does this mean i should get a crack pipe tattooed on my chest?
  15. Doobie Doober

    Video Game Addiction-Need Help, serious addiction

    Well i want to stop and at the same time i dont wanna. Uggg.
  16. Doobie Doober

    Video Game Addiction-Need Help, serious addiction

    Yea i fell so tempted to start playing again cause the new expansion coming out. But a even more addicting game is called lord of the rings online...Dont get me fucking started. This game is so fucking great. One of the main bosses is the balrog! When you first make your character you cant stip...
  17. Doobie Doober

    What kind of girls do you like?

    cerberus say he likes the taste of cum. nice chewing bubble cum.
  18. Doobie Doober

    Should i tattoo myself?

    "Hi, im Chucky. Wanna plaaaaaaaay???? God damn you! All i want is someone to play with!!"
  19. Doobie Doober

    Should i tattoo myself?

    yea i think ill do it, ill post pics when i get enough balls in a day or so. But how come emo people dont get any blood disorders?
  20. Doobie Doober

    how much weed is this?

    k thanks, i dont have a scale