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  1. mj320002

    Marijuana Grades.. Qs.

    I do not think there is any really clear cut definitions and the names and stuff vary by region. You have to ask people in your area. Like around here most people refer to scwagg or cheap weed as stress. Then mids or decent weed is called chronic and the best weed regardless of what strain it is...
  2. mj320002

    just a cloning question

    You have to cut a stem with a growing shoot on it. You need the growing shoot so that the plants can continue growing. So this could be the main stem potentially or any of the side branches as long as it has the growing shoot on the end.
  3. mj320002

    dried up bud

    You can put something damp in the bag with it for a little while. Like a few hours. Me and my friends a few years ago had this issue and just stuck a little piece of damp paper towel in the bag and it fixed it. Make sure to check on it though so it does not get to moist.
  4. mj320002

    My Ganja Tree (Jean)

    Looks pretty good. You might be able to get slightly closer node spacing if you move the lights closer. No biggie though you are doing well.
  5. mj320002

    How many of you would have shit

    Yeah it is just a public service sort of thing. You can just say no thanks and they wont give you any crap. The worst that would happen is if it is some self righteous sort of person they might give you crap about being unsafe. I should really get a new smoke alarm. Mine has been gone for a few...
  6. mj320002

    Sprouts still dieing!!!

    I suggest you wait longer for the seeds to come up. The root turning down is what is supposed to happen since you put the seed in upside down. If you would have given it more time it probably would have popped up and been fine.
  7. mj320002

    Angry people on roll it up read this

    Damn this thread is rolling along by the time I typed my response there were 3 or 4 more posts. Damn spammers!!!!!!
  8. mj320002

    Angry people on roll it up read this

    Oh yeah I forgot to mention that if you think someone is being rude there is a possibility they are being a dick to you because you are a moron giving bad info. I have done this once or twice. What does it mean when in your rep area if there is a shaded box rather than a green one?
  9. mj320002

    Angry people on roll it up read this

    There are some ass holes on here but you just have to ignore them. There are quite a few cool people who just want to learn and share what they know.
  10. mj320002

    PH Question

    If the plant looks ok you're fine. Just try to keep things as close to correct as you can and you should be fine.
  11. mj320002

    how many seeds needed to grow a plant

    I hope you're not serious but the answer is one.
  12. mj320002

    Rockwoll Drip Systems?

    I use 1 and 4 inch cubes. Then I also use granulated rockwool in 5 gallon buckets. The ideal temps/humidity is whatever the plant you're growing likes. I keep my room at 80 with a RH of 50-60 normally depending on how the weather is. I would like to have it more around 40 but I don't have money...
  13. mj320002

    Rockwoll Drip Systems?

    You can give the rockwool that half to quarter cup any way you want throughout the day. Basically you just need to get used to either the look or weight of the rockwool when it is the right moisture level. There is a pretty big acceptable range between to wet and dry. I personally water my...
  14. mj320002

    i need help

    Looks like over watering most likely. How often are you watering?
  15. mj320002

    Whats Something Good To Reflect The Light?

    Ok got it so today's lesson, when using aluminum foil keep it flat.
  16. mj320002

    how to tell if rockwool has enough water ..

    I think I must have been high when I posted my first response on here. Ignore my advice it would actually lead to over watering. What you need to do is take the cube and water it. Then shake it till all the excess is out. Weigh it after shaking and that is the target you want to go for. I...
  17. mj320002

    is it safe to feed my guinee pig fan leaves?

    Thanks. LD50 is the amount of a substance that causes 50% of a certain animal or human to die when exposed to it.
  18. mj320002

    is it safe to feed my guinee pig fan leaves?

    I give my dogs fan leaves pretty often and once had them actually steal a few plants. They ate a rediculous amount of material and ended up throwing most if not all of it back up. They then proceeded to sleep for almost an entire day. They ended up ok. I would imagine as long as you don;t go...
  19. mj320002

    seeds in rockwool help

    You don't really need that humidity dome as well. How often do you water them?