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  1. mj320002

    Cloning question for the pros'

    I think you should separate the plants now. Next time you should get 1 inch cubes and use those to start the clones. If you wait to separate the plants some roots could be growing across the cube so when you cut it to separate them you will most likely damage the roots. Odds are this wouldn't do...
  2. mj320002

    Ph and ppm concerns

    Yeah I wouldn't do that personally. The larger plants will want more nutes and the smaller plants could get burned with higher ppms. It might be fine if you check it regularly and find a balance between the two. I know I couldn't do that because I have different nutes that get switched up during...
  3. mj320002

    Fuck, mold?????? Help!

    You're cool it's not mold. Ignore the people telling you to use stuff to kill it they probably didn't bother to read your post they just read the thread title. They might be stupid as well. Your plant is fine.
  4. mj320002

    Clones stems turns red and hard

    I've had a lot of clones do this. It doesn't seem to have any effect on there growth so I wouldn't worry about it. It will usually stop after a little while.
  5. mj320002

    Help with a Light Timing Issue!!! Please help!!!

    Yeah you should be able to just switch it. Give them a longer period of dark though not a long period of light.
  6. mj320002

    wtf is that green stuff? about to give up

    The green stuff is algae. you might be over watering the plants and it looks like you might have some nute burn.
  7. mj320002

    Watt to Plant Ratio.

    It would take approximately 60 1000w lights to ensure dense buds from top to bottom on 30 plants. 30 for the tops. Then 30 interspersed hanging below the canopy in a manner as to make the light intensity at every angle around the plants equal.
  8. mj320002

    rock wool roots

  9. mj320002

    rock wool roots

    You could probably take your soil and transplant that into a bigger pot with granulated rockwool in it. It would probably be better to just finish up with the soil and then put new seeds or clones into rockwool.
  10. mj320002

    Mother plant Best system to use +rep

    You could probably grow a mother in a 1 inch rockwool cube but you would just have to water it like 3 or four times a day. The 5 gallon buckets are easier because you don't have to water as often and there is more room for the roots. Also how tall are the cuttings you are taking? Just because...
  11. mj320002

    Mother plant Best system to use +rep

    What I do with my Mothers is put them in 5 gallon buckets filled with granulated rockwool. You can use your same nutes. I just cut drain holes in the bottom of the bucket and put a square bucket under it to catch the runoff. You could set up a drip system but I just water mine by hand. Just make...
  12. mj320002

    rock wool roots

    It means growing lots of smaller plants rather than a few large ones.
  13. mj320002

    Ways To Get Higher and Stay High Longer.

    I find that smoking more seems to get me higher most of the time. Also if my high start to subside a bit I can smoke more and stay high longer. I've studied these methods for many years and there is considerable evidence in favor of these practices.
  14. mj320002

    rock wool roots

    Lets see. My rockwool tips. Always soak it and as far as the ph to soak it in somewhere between 4 and 5.5 is cool. Only water when it needs it, it can look somewhat dry but still be moist enough for the roots. Don't worry about roots coming out of the bottom of the cube. The only time you really...
  15. mj320002

    Your favourite artist/song to listen to baked

    Thanks for this. I had a friend show me dub side of the moon a long time ago but had forgotten all about it. I'm going to get my hands on a copy and listen next time I'm smoking.
  16. mj320002

    is this gunna work???

    To answer your question yes you should be able to keep them like that until you move. They may become root bound but that wont kill them. Also you should get some more light on those things when you move.
  17. mj320002

    rock wool roots

    You're fine. If it's growing then it will be alright. The root will dig in. Just make sure not to over water and you should see the root come out of the bottom of the cube in about a week.
  18. mj320002

    Just found my plant on the ground stem completely snapped off! clone them?

    Thats to bad. Should that ever happen again you should just stick the stem back together and put some honey on it then cover with a bandaid. Normally the break will heal back just fine. As far as the clones the other poster is right on. I would recommend some rooting hormone but if you can't...
  19. mj320002

    Are Roots So Delicate? Here's my view whats yours....

    I know I've dropped at least one rockwool cube onto some concrete floor from about 2 feet right after it was watered. It hit with a nice splat sound and I looked at all the roots that were sticking out of the bottom and they were smashed to all hell. Didn't effect the plant at all and new roots...
  20. mj320002

    Need some T5 Info

    I'm pretty sure those bulbs from econolight are not the best bulbs. Although they are 54 ho's they are not in the 6500k range which is the best for vegging. Also those bulbs from walmart are probably not even t5ho's they are just standard t5's. This could be a big reason why a lot of people...