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  1. Phillip J Fry

    Flower worries

    you will get different answers for this question. Some guys keep them green all the way through. The reason fan leaves yellow and die off is lack off nutes (N). I like letting my plant yellow off. This way the nutes locked in the plant are used to produce more bud. I just think timing is...
  2. Phillip J Fry

    Freaking wind and rain

    Tomato cage or stake her up next time.
  3. Phillip J Fry

    can the stump be reused

    Cannabis is an annual and will not survive the winter on its own, but with proper care it can be revegged.
  4. Phillip J Fry

    Please help! Cant tell if she ready

    wow you must be blind, 10x works for me
  5. Phillip J Fry

    how often to feed

    when they look unhappy feed them. If the roots are dry then water them. I feed my plants when ever they look anything but 100% green.
  6. Phillip J Fry

    250w hps?

    just give him a sack with you harvest problem solved.
  7. Phillip J Fry

    help please

    Put up some pics. I would not feed until it has a good set of regular leafs.
  8. Phillip J Fry

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    Pics of my 4 girls three weeks into flower. I have pinched over many branches and trimmed the bottom growth off.
  9. Phillip J Fry

    Help!! With DIY Reverse Osmosis Reserve Tank

    One thing I didnt realize at first is the r/o machine had to have the pressure tank hooked to it or the float in my main res wouldn't shut off the water.
  10. Phillip J Fry

    quick question about 3 ft x 3ft air cooled hood

    im confused ... are the pics of your sheet metal?
  11. Phillip J Fry

    Watering scheduel?

    depends on plant size and environment. Water them when dry is the best advice anyone can give you. Live and learn.
  12. Phillip J Fry

    Should my fan be on 24/7 in my grow tent?

    I keep mine running 24/7 in both rooms.
  13. Phillip J Fry

    my lil girls...

    Only water if it is real close to dry or dry.
  14. Phillip J Fry

    please help :( dwc noob Looks a little light on top maybe feed her more or what about co2/fresh air for her? I attached a link to plant guide maybe it will help.
  15. Phillip J Fry


    Don't over water them and give them time.
  16. Phillip J Fry

    Spider Mites.... please help

    And once you have mites neem oil will not get rid of them period. Neem oil and products like it work as preventive measures and thats about it.
  17. Phillip J Fry

    Spider Mites.... please help A link to info on the active ingredient in hot shots pest strips.
  18. Phillip J Fry

    Spider Mites.... please help

    This seems to work for me but please read the warnings, These things put off gas that is not really good to be around for extended periods of time. I also had some good luck with azatrol which is a all natural product.
  19. Phillip J Fry

    New Set Up - PPP and Bubblelicious

    Are you sure about this?? Because I would think given the time all of them would turn amber. Some obv take longer than others due to lineage and stress factors but all fruit ripens in time.
  20. Phillip J Fry

    24 Hour Spraying for Aeroponics?

    they will root lots faster if you shut the pump off sometimes. If you run it constantly then one of two things might happen 1. Plant lives with no roots 2. Plant develops stem rot. Dont drown your babies! Water tillwet then turn pump off till dry. The timing just depends on exact setup.