Although she prefers to be near me when they happen. So like if i'm on the computer when one is coming she'll dart under there and hide out. I can actually tell when one is coming based on her hiding.
my dog does something similar when thunderstorms come. although her favorite place to hide is in the narrow space between the back of the couch and the wall....she's gotten stuck back there before....
sorry bout that, it should be fixed now. typo on my part. So the EU version of Walters is a guy named Costra. he's almost as clueless and deceptive as Walters.
I find that I talk to myself more when i'm sober. I don't know how often people hear me talk to myself but usually when i catch myself i'm not talking out loud but more mumbling or my lips are moving but i'm not really saying anything aloud.
It gets worse. It seems as though the UN has its version John Walters....
In other news. Portugal is in year 8 of it's drug (all drugs) decriminalized system. I bet you can't guess what the results...
Call me a pessimist but I really don't think these laws are going to work all that well. The bulk of the money in taxes isn't going to roll in until it has some level of commercialization and that won't happen until farmers start growing. While there are federal laws on the books I think that...
This video comes courtesy of the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union. It's a video documenting the 2009 UN conference in Vienna, Italy. It seems that stupidity is not exclusive to the US.
nice. I clicked on the images first and I thought "what the hell is that egg doing on the pizza?" then i read the story and I thought "hmmm....maybe I should try that...."