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  1. KaleoXxX

    Northeast Growers Thread. Show Em' We're Here.Northeast

    hey NE grower here too, i have 1 little babie im starting indoors and transplanting in a 5g bucket up in a tree. i have a journal but it has no pics so its useless i think i might start another plant soon, but i dont have verry good light, so i wanted this plant to get as much light as it can
  2. KaleoXxX

    New bong!

    WoW is a dangerous drug, my friend just quit cold turkey and he said it was like quitting dope haha nice bong btw
  3. KaleoXxX

    post you fav mix drinks here

    any one heard caribou lou? its a song by tech9 <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed...
  4. KaleoXxX

    Acid - few things..

    i look forward to some flashbacks..... LSD is a magical drug, you really should try it
  5. KaleoXxX

    Hi guys Southpark latest eps Watch and lol

    i laughed my ass off at the medicinal fried chicken ep. cartman blowing a line of chicken skin, the col. as sosa, and the hippity hop giant balls were the best i wouldnt say southpark is dead, but have you seen ugly americans? funniest show on tv IMO "every time a bell rings a wizard takes a...
  6. KaleoXxX

    First grow behind lcd tv

    i can tell thats MG potting soil.... not the best stuff i dont know the NPK or when the MG soil stops feeding the plant what; but i would wager the plant needs some nitrogen over all its not a big deal; all those leafs currently on your plant will die off eventually
  7. KaleoXxX

    What in the world happend... Plants went limp on me...

    i dont know if 100w of cfl did that.... what are aqua flakes? what is your nutrient situation? im kind of hydro illiterate so i dont know how much help ill be....
  8. KaleoXxX

    I Can't Find My Last Five Posts....Help

    i feel you man; i was so used to that too. now all i can do is keep track of SUBed threads and troll the new posts section
  9. KaleoXxX


    i agree; ive heard that vitamin c will intensify your trip. it could just be a rumor though. to think all the OJ i chugged only brought my trip down is hard to believe but i have heard that theres something they IV you with at the hospital that will completely stop your trip; could be niacin
  10. KaleoXxX

    I Can't Find My Last Five Posts....Help

    not enough to keep track of discussions before 4/20.... im still missing out on my last 5 threads and i usually post when im fucked up, so its hard to keep track lol
  11. KaleoXxX

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    no not where NOTHING is growing because thats soil is probably barren and full of sand or has some sort of problem. just go for regular yard soil, where things grow, but dont decompose
  12. KaleoXxX

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    dog shit contains toxins; i wouldnt use that soil
  13. KaleoXxX

    I Can't Find My Last Five Posts....Help

    really? because i have 1000s of posts and only about 2 doz([edit: more like 50]the ones since the site went back up) are displayed in view all posts
  14. KaleoXxX

    One girl developing much slower and than the other! Help!

    because in my experince the fastest growing plant tends to be a male(i know OP has fem seeds) and the runt tends to be the most potent female for smoking
  15. KaleoXxX

    Police allow thousands of '4/20' pot protesters to light up across the country.....

    because its not harmful, no matter your age. sure it may be a "gate way drug" and it may kill a few brain cells but hey at least that kid isnt snorting heroin already
  16. KaleoXxX

    Who likes wine?

    yeah a hard is "hard alcohol" or spirits, as you put it i like whiskey rum vodka and beer in that order
  17. KaleoXxX

    Sweet tarts :)

    oh i wasnt doubting your test; ive done the same thing on blotter, i was just saying that sweet tarts might throw the test off (the same as cabbage juice Ph tests on red wine vinegar, just recalling bio lab....)
  18. KaleoXxX

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    chances are that it not is unless you have had leafs decomposing on it or some other form of fertilizer edit: i always check my yard dirt for critters eggs and any other harmful things like that
  19. KaleoXxX

    Can someone identify sex from these pictures?

    then ima say your gardener is a fool untill i see better pics and no your crop is not fucked, if it has a few seeds the potency will go down a bit, but you will still have decent bud and seeds for your next grow
  20. KaleoXxX

    Who likes wine?

    wine gives me a hangover before a drunk ill stick to beer and hards, but it does sound like you have a taste for good stuff