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  1. Fallen Soul

    CFL bagseed rubbermaid stealth grow box (lst)

    Hmm, I've grown only 2 times now, I have never trained my plants. Whats the point of training them? just to keep them growing lower?
  2. Fallen Soul


    lol Sounds good, I will be watching this thread to see how it goes ;)
  3. Fallen Soul

    Smoke Weed With Tobacco???

    Yeah I know people who do it all the time, especially in joints to keep it lit.
  4. Fallen Soul

    Is this even a marijuana plant?

    Yeah the last 2 kinda do but dont at the same time. The first 2 are definitely do not look like marijuana plants.
  5. Fallen Soul

    History and politics behind making pot ILLEGAL

    Exactly, but its more and less that. Its them wanting control and power. Not because they care, because they want us to stereotype people who use pot, as crazy and bad to stop other people.
  6. Fallen Soul

    Peeing around your plants???

    Yeah, pee on the buds too just in case, Squirrels sometimes eat them or deer.
  7. Fallen Soul

    History and politics behind making pot ILLEGAL

    Originaly posted on MAM The article was written by me, but I thought I would get some more input and thought on it. Hemp, Marijuana, Weed, Pot......They are all the same. Yeah there are different strains containing more THC then others but they all can be used Medically, For Textiles, Clean...
  8. Fallen Soul

    oh ok, I was wondering where you

    oh ok, I was wondering where you
  9. Fallen Soul

    First Grow EVER! ( CFL )

    updating they are now about 2-3 weeks I am just kinda keeping tabs on and off. Getting pics
  10. Fallen Soul

    i have inharited big root-bound moms

    Yeah if your willing to take the time use water and seperate as much as you can and transplant.
  11. Fallen Soul

    How to get a medical rec?

    Yeah idk if its like cali but I'm pretty sure it can be.
  12. Fallen Soul

    How to get a medical rec?

    Nobody? Do I have to talk to the same doctor prescribing me my current Prozac
  13. Fallen Soul

    How to get a medical rec?

    State : Minnesota Well I have been wondering if I should even try for one. I have heavy depression and worried about the side effects of pills. I also have an anxiety disorder and it effects my sleep.
  14. Fallen Soul

    growing weed in prison new help

    Wouldn't they extend your time, or not let you out in like 2/3 time for good behavior? Cause I know you could probably get it started but shit how are you going to let them get big and harvest without getting caught?
  15. Fallen Soul

    First Grow EVER! ( CFL )

    also if you notice I had one light close to the plant then I did with the other and the one with the light closer has wider leaves and is a little shorter but almost the same height. Is my other plant going to be ok cause when I first started out I didn't have the light close enough so I think...
  16. Fallen Soul

    MInnesota's on it's way.

    YAY! Biggest news since our bridge collapse.
  17. Fallen Soul

    15 seeds 150 dollars what to do???

    Let us know your budget so we have more of an idea of what to tell you.
  18. Fallen Soul

    Will pay for yield/highest profit margin

    I would say do Sea of Green, With the Shelves cause you have a ways to work up with. I would suggest White Berry for this it will grow fast yield a good amount and is great for SOG. Here is a rough pic so you get the just of what Im saying. And I like making pics :D And yeah do that. If...
  19. Fallen Soul

    First Grow EVER! ( CFL )

    Sorry was editing the older ones to size, I will upload these as they are and upload later that way you guys can see them. Edit: Sorry for the wait, PICS are now uploaded ;)
  20. Fallen Soul

    First Grow EVER! ( CFL )

    Yeah Sorry about that I had something come up and had to leave, But I am uploading them now.