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  1. Smallsn

    Starting Over Again. WW

    Gonna wait for couple hours and germ some more WW :D. There was this guy recently, who couldn't germ his seed. I wonder why was that, mine would drop in the water under 1 hour and sow them straight away. 3 days later they sprout 100%. If not give it atleast 2 days u will see it sprout. As long...
  2. Smallsn

    Starting Over Again. WW

    Thanks for the info. Just top 2 but used them as clone, since they two smaller plants don't have large enough branches to be cloned. The big WW, i tooken 2 clones from there. Hoep they go well.
  3. Smallsn

    Starting Over Again. WW

    Today, by looking at the plant, I just want to top it right now. I should aye on those two small plants or maybe the big one. I want to clone it too, can people help me on this. I got a cloning solution however, I don't know how to do it. So its like Cut stem > Pop in clone sol > place in a cup...
  4. Smallsn

    hey lacy, how long has it been. I ordered some WhitY Widow too :D I hope they go big outdoor :L

    hey lacy, how long has it been. I ordered some WhitY Widow too :D I hope they go big outdoor :L
  5. Smallsn

    Envisioning yourself in 30, 40, 50 years...

    We were already doomed from the start :D Might aswell make a list of things to do, and do it. I wanna climb on a tall snowy mountain and reach the top in my life. AND GO TO AMSTERDAM OF COURSE!
  6. Smallsn

    You clone a clone...but should you top a top?

    When you guys top and try to germ the top, what method do you ppl use? I like to cut and place in clonex and either put in soil or in a cup with water. It doesn't root at all or do i have to just leave it in the water until it does so.
  7. Smallsn

    HELP HELP HELP!!!!!!!!! think there dying!

    Small pot, water twice every 2-3 days, usually in the morning since they love their breakfast, and after the day. Use a 350Ml bottle and water it with that.
  8. Smallsn

    Can anyone tell me what and the hell is going on with these ladies???

    I had that happened to my plants sometimes too. Well it could be just that its getting healthy or cal/mag. Can't be from N since, it will show yellow burn spots. Just give it a nice flushing :D
  9. Smallsn

    Lets build a bubble bucket

    far that is an intense thread.
  10. Smallsn

    aye yo black cat you still using RIU?

    aye yo black cat you still using RIU?
  11. Smallsn

    Help!!! I cannot germinate white widow!

    Oh i also forgotten, try to contact whom you got your seed off, file a complaint or ask them you want another working batch. I heard someone on the forum had a different problem, where he/she had bought a fem batch, and none pop or was it they turn out male. Yeah im sure they all turned out male...
  12. Smallsn

    Help!!! I cannot germinate white widow!

    Are you sure dude? I bought a batch from herbies shop regular. I just drop 4 in a cup of water, left it in the dark until they all drop ( note if they don't drop, lets just say low chance of germinating) and planted in cups filled with soil. Placed the cups in a germ tray and had the tray under...
  13. Smallsn

    Starting Over Again. WW

    So RIU community, do you like that?The first picture, with 3 plants. The one inside the Biggest pot is the First WW, that sprouted in my thread. The third pictures shows two plants, however you can see one of them slightly bent. This was caused when i accidentally poured Pro-mix over the plant...
  14. Smallsn

    Starting Over Again. WW

    Hello pictures will be in by tomorrow 100% sure. My dad did a inspection on the three plants. He said my biggest plant the White window in a week, they be male? - He said it with confidence. Also he said another was too to be a male i think he pointed at the 2nd WW :(. How did he know i asked...
  15. Smallsn

    Starting Over Again. WW

    How many days on veg + seeding time?
  16. Smallsn

    Starting Over Again. WW

    All of them have been out for days. My dad said that i should of just use 100% soil for my plants. Anyone got an idea of why 100%? Gave them some fertilizer slow realeasing ones. Just sprinkled them around each pot on top and mulch over it. Since it has been raining pretty harsh these few days...
  17. Smallsn

    Starting Over Again. WW

    Today i Transplanted one of the WW into a 25LT pot. Filled with nearly 25LT of potting mix and organic mulch on top. Today is also and sunny day and tomorrow will be too. So windy though in our area lately. I sprayed the plant with some seasol seaweed in case of transplant shock.
  18. Smallsn

    Hey you know how u did the 400w In the 7F cupboard. What fan extraction did you use? Not sure if...

    Hey you know how u did the 400w In the 7F cupboard. What fan extraction did you use? Not sure if i have a cupboard like your but i got a wall. that is Close to 7F high and its 1 1/2 wide and abit bigger 1 feet deep. I just need something to cover the wall. Or just buy a cupboard. What hps did u...
  19. Smallsn

    Starting Over Again. WW

    RIU, do i transplant when i see a root ball? Because i see roots at the bottom of my cup but not that many. Atm i turned off the cfl and moved the plants to my window sill. I got this Light radar thingy magid. It 3IN1 PH soil, Moist, and Light. In the 132W cfl it only put off 200-500 while when...
  20. Smallsn

    3 week old w.w. has only 3

    My one under 2 weeks old and it's leaves are 3 leafs shapes.