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  1. Mother's Finest

    What is Going on with this Plant? Pics Attached

    What are you feeding it and what's the pH?
  2. Mother's Finest

    Feeding my WW extra food!

    If you plan to grow this strain again, by all means find out how much fertilizer it can handle at a given size and write it down. Just watch the lowest and oldest leaves like the pod leaves and the first single-bladed leaves for signs of burning. Imo every flowering plant should have those...
  3. Mother's Finest

    What Kinds Of Questions Do You NOT Answer?

    We'd never heard of the depression in the seed being relevant to sex. We'll save the pic and see if the theory holds true for the next little ones we start. Thanks for the info :clap:
  4. Mother's Finest

    How many plants for 400w and 600w to get best out of the girls.

    It depends on the size of the plants. A 400w certainly can be more than enough to get the most out of three plants. The prime lighting area under a 400w is about one to three feet away and about 2.5x2.5' floor space. Closer than 10" will burn the plants and over about three feet from the bulb...
  5. Mother's Finest

    Sprout Looks Dead on Top

    What you're describing can be caused by heat stress. Is it getting soft and mushy or dry and crispy? How dry do you let the soil get before watering?
  6. Mother's Finest

    What Kinds Of Questions Do You NOT Answer?

    I swear to God I've heard totally serious people say, "The ones with stripes are female!"
  7. Mother's Finest

    Nirvana Shortrider Autoflower Leaftips turned Down- Am I doing Wrong?

    It's probably from the slightly high pH. Make sure to get temperature readings at the plant tops if you aren't already.
  8. Mother's Finest

    guerrilla soil

    You may have already considered this, but just like with indoors, ferts can be applied manually instead of being mixed into the soil. It would probably eliminate any worries regarding animals and prevent strong rains from washing all the nutrients away.
  9. Mother's Finest

    fertlilizer help

    Lol, Mater Magic. I don't expect Cars 2 to be as good, but anyway. The Mater Magic's we've seen have all been 5-5-9 instead of the 8-5-5 you mentioned. It's probably just a different formula. Most fertilizer regimens work well alternating between feedings and plain waterings. Feed them at full...
  10. Mother's Finest

    What Kinds Of Questions Do You NOT Answer?

    Some idiots never refresh the forum page after posting. They post, hit the back button, don't see it listed on the forum and post again.
  11. Mother's Finest

    What Kinds Of Questions Do You NOT Answer?

    Oh yeah, what kind of weed is this. That's one I'm surprised we missed. Who can really tell the difference between a female plant and its half-unknown child that takes after its mother- to say nothing about different strains from different breeders that look the same. What's in a name? Would...
  12. Mother's Finest

    Brown Spots and Other Plant Problems

    The Aqua Flakes are low in Phosphorus and the browning you're seeing is probably from that. The A is high in Nitrogen, the B is high in Potassium, and you'll want to find another source of Phosphorus. Fresh organic ferts that are high in P include Bone Meal and many Guanos.
  13. Mother's Finest

    What Kinds Of Questions Do You NOT Answer?

    We totally agree with Carl up there. It would be nice if everyone would just make folders of the best shots during their grows and then post a short timeline of pics at harvest. However, we totally understand how hard it can be to hold your wad. It's an exciting hobby.
  14. Mother's Finest

    What Kinds Of Questions Do You NOT Answer?

    We frequent a few different forums on different topics and let me tell you, it's not just the pot making people stupid. With the ones it does, at least it's a temporary effect, and by far not the worst effect out there.
  15. Mother's Finest

    What Kinds Of Questions Do You NOT Answer?

    The good people at RIU respond to some questions and ignore others. Of those that are ignored, many are times when we'd like to help but just don't have any useful information. There are also many situations where it's actually what the person is asking or even how they're asking it that stops...
  16. Mother's Finest

    Darknes before harves

    When the plants are dried whole, in the dark without much if any damage, the beginning of the drying time is the dark period at the end of flowering. There is some of this effect even when colas are separated or leaves are chopped prior to drying. Because of this, no extra dark period is...
  17. Mother's Finest

    Can i fix this.......?

    Well there of course are ways to get buds to grow bigger but it may be too late. Causing a growth spurt too late in flowering can create new flowers that either won't have time to ripen or, if allowed time to ripen, will greatly increase flowering time & cause the previous flowers to be too...
  18. Mother's Finest

    Flowering time.. depends on how healthy your plants are?

    Better health can mean that they'll have a longer lifespan, but it doesn't mean the plants will take longer to flower. Since how they're grown affects flowering time, a breeder's estimate on it can really only be compared to the breeder's estimates for other strains they offer.
  19. Mother's Finest

    Organic Moms

    We've never had any foaming when making teas. We don't often use any pH raising additives because most of our fertilizers are alkaline. When we want to raise pH without adding more ferts, we add hydrated lime. How much to dilute a tea depends on how strong it is. If you wanted to convert 1c of...
  20. Mother's Finest

    Brown Spots and Other Plant Problems

    You say that you're using hydroton as your medium in a bubble bucket but the first pic looks to be growing in a plastic cup. Whole-plant pics are usually necessary for a solid diagnosis.