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  1. Mother's Finest

    after nute burn in dwc

    You'd have to post pics. New growers often mistake burn for deficiencies.
  2. Mother's Finest

    what is wrong with my plants?!

    They appear to at least need more light and also more airflow to encourage thicker stems.
  3. Mother's Finest

    How Do You Rail?

    No we've never tried crack and it's a bit strange that you think people snort it. It is not a freebase, hence the quotes around the term "freebase". The quotes there mean that it is a colloquial term for the action being performed.
  4. Mother's Finest

    How Do You Rail?

    Glass pipette. Once the interior gets coated, the pipette is heated with a flame and the remaining product is "freebased"- helpful when coming down and there isn't enough to insufflate.
  5. Mother's Finest

    Need help

    We're pretty sure someone can. Glad to help ;-)
  6. Mother's Finest

    Possible Calcium deficiency?

    They aren't showing the typical signs of Iron deficiency. We're not trying to shoot down your ideas, we swear.
  7. Mother's Finest

    Possible Calcium deficiency?

    As Mr. Verde implied, it's not Ca deficiency. All-over drooping is usually a watering or temperature problem. Overwatering typically droops more towards the bottom of the plant, while high temps usually cause more drooping towards the top because of lamp heat. There appears to be some necrosis...
  8. Mother's Finest

    Mother Plants

    Smell will increase during flowering; anywhere from very little to very drastically, depending on the strain. Most plants don't produce alot of smell during veg but without any odor control or exhausting air outside, even a couple medium-sized mothers can make a noticeable smell in an enclosed area.
  9. Mother's Finest

    Ph at 3.8 help

    Our nutrient solutions always end up very alkaline because most of our ferts have a high pH. If you threw in one or two fertilizers with a high pH, they'd balance out your acidic ferts. Some bat guanos, like the 3-10-1 stuff we're currently using, have a high pH. The most alkaline fertilizer we...
  10. Mother's Finest

    Testing buds for potency?

    Yes, you can quick-dry a small piece of bud in the microwave to test its ripeness. Just like trimming a single small leaf during flowering, clipping one little bud's stem won't hurt the flowering process. You don't have to worry about hermaphrodites at the very end of flowering.
  11. Mother's Finest

    Nutrient help...experts needed!

    Top dressings are pouring the fertilizers on top of the soil. When you used the phrase, "teas(top dressings)", we took that to mean that you considered top dressings and teas to be the same thing. Our previous post was just to point out the difference. Palm Bunch Ash is found here...
  12. Mother's Finest

    I got a quick question

    Yes, they are normal with certain strains/phenos. The plants will start needing weak nutrients when the 3-bladed leaves start growing in. Seedlings are often transplanted at this point from an inert seed-starter medium to nutritious soil, rather than actually fertilizing them.
  13. Mother's Finest

    4 weeks olds, yellow leafs, brown spots, tried manythings.

    No runoff when you water can mean clogged drainage holes, not watering enough or a soil mix that holds too much water. What are you using for the substrate? The pots you're using are probably soaking up at least some of what would have been runoff. It looks like the pH is too acidic.
  14. Mother's Finest

    Nutrient help...experts needed!

    Teas are made by soaking solid ferts in water until the nutrients dissolve, filtering the solids back out and leaving the nutrients in the liquid. They're different from top dressings. We reccomend against regular top dressing because of substances with poor drainage characteristics piling up on...
  15. Mother's Finest

    Is 5.8 to low for soil ph

    Single leaves don't tell much about the problem. Try to include whole plant pics, pics of the worst leaves on the plant, top pics and bottom pics for the best chance at a solid diagnosis. Judging from that leaf, it could be Ca &/or Mg deficient but probably needs Phosphorus as well.
  16. Mother's Finest

    4 weeks olds, yellow leafs, brown spots, tried manythings.

    Ok, so you have a probe-type meter. First off, for most of those meters to work, the soil needs to be very damp all the way through and should have been that way for awhile before testing. Secondly, you should have at least a cheap testing method to verify the results of the meter from time to...
  17. Mother's Finest

    4 weeks olds, yellow leafs, brown spots, tried manythings.

    We're pretty sure that the pH is off. How are you testing it?
  18. Mother's Finest

    which one has the best lumens rating for 600W

    We've been using GE Lucalox PSL/XO with good results.
  19. Mother's Finest

    Nutrient help...experts needed!

    Yes, it's the same concept. Sorry for not replying sooner.
  20. Mother's Finest

    Growing help and tips wanted plz!!

    You have a number of problems. Too little light is causing stretching, too little airflow is causing thin, weak stems and the color of the leaves looks like the soil pH is off. Try to be more specific about your problem in the title of your post. Most people here ignore posts asking for...