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  1. Mother's Finest

    PH testers

    Probe-type meters usually need the soil to be very wet in order to get a reading, almost mud. More often than not, when someone says their meter isn't reading at all, the soil being tested isn't wet enough. It should be wet for at least an hour before testing so the pH's of the water and the...
  2. Mother's Finest


    Check for light leaks and feed them some Potassium.
  3. Mother's Finest

    Yellowing of leaves, what could this be? (Pics)

    The damage won't heal so as long as it doesn't get worse, the problem is solved. Be sure to adjust your feeding schedule for either more of the Bloom or more of everything, after this extra dose of Bloom, since what you were feeding before wasn't quite enough.
  4. Mother's Finest

    Yellowing of leaves, what could this be? (Pics)

    The stuff you already have will be fine. Since they are deficient, use 5ml/L of the Bloom. Some of the other two can be added but since 25% extra Bloom is being used, decrease the amounts of the other two (from the standard instructions) accordingly.
  5. Mother's Finest

    Yellowing of leaves, what could this be? (Pics)

    High-P Guanos and Bone Meal are the best sources of Phosphorus.
  6. Mother's Finest

    Yellowing of leaves, what could this be? (Pics)

    As long as they're high in P.
  7. Mother's Finest

    Expired nutrients?

    Yeah there have been a few people asking this question about their ferts but the last guy we saw ask specificly about the freshness of Fox Farms' products called the company and that's all they could say about determining freshness.
  8. Mother's Finest

    Yellowing of leaves, what could this be? (Pics)

    It's mostly Phosphorus deficiency.
  9. Mother's Finest

    Cant seem to get that dank smell

    Even though some people believe that all bad tasting/smelling weed will smell and taste good after proper drying and curing, the truth is that there are types of pot with poor smell & flavor and nothing you do with the water inside them will change that.
  10. Mother's Finest

    human multivitamins good for plants??

    While a multivitamin won't be good for your plants, there are quite a few nutrients that both humans and plants make use of. What Type of Vitamins Affect Plant Growth? By Keith Dooley Plants make vitamin C on their own and need it to survive. Studies at universities and research...
  11. Mother's Finest

    Mini-test.... 5000K vs. 6500K flouro, during veg....

    We tried something similar with GE daylight (6500k) and Sunshine (5000k) fluorescents. Plants lined up between the lights all leaned toward the Sunshine bulbs.
  12. Mother's Finest

    Cant seem to get that dank smell

    It's not your technique, it's the strain.
  13. Mother's Finest

    Expired nutrients?

    If you smell it and it smells off (based on its original smell), it's no good.
  14. Mother's Finest

    wouldn't it be better to just do this?

    With the windows open, the fresh air from outside would replace the air dried by the dehumidifier. You'd essentially be dehumidfying the outside. Spraying the plants increases humidity. In high humidity situations, spraying should be avoided. As long as you have constant fresh air flowing...
  15. Mother's Finest

    wouldn't it be better to just do this?

    No offense, but you're a little paranoid. Bud rot isn't a very common problem and many growers have at least as high humidity as you do. Some of these strains grow in the freakin rainforest for crying out loud. By the way, dehumidifier + open windows = lost $.
  16. Mother's Finest

    Why are my leaves drooping???

    It may be the ebb & flow timing causing overwatering at times.
  17. Mother's Finest

    Hard Water

    Get a Brita filter
  18. Mother's Finest

    Standard Socket HPS & MH Bulbs?

    Standard-socket bulbs screw right into a standard-sized bulb socket but that socket must still be connected to a ballast unless the bulb has a built-in ballast.
  19. Mother's Finest

    Help.....400w+150w hps in 6 sq ft

    He's referring to a 2D floor space. You're talking about a three demensional grow area.
  20. Mother's Finest

    Help.....400w+150w hps in 6 sq ft

    Growing about the smallest size plants worth growing, you could squeeze fifteen of em in there. Personally, we'd go with 4-6 plants in that size area.