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  1. S

    Marijuana + ADHD + Depression = ?

    I have been smoking the lovley lady for 5+ years now and on a daily basis. I have no depression or any other kind of condition as far as I know. I have recently become a recreational adderall user. When I say recreationally maybe twice a week when the is house work that needs to be done. I...
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    How close is to close (for the light)?

    Ummm..think about it this way, how come i get sunburnt while snowboarding? its freezing out side but i still get burnt. Sun burnt not wind burnt. Stick you arm above the canopy of the plants. If you have proper air movment above the plants you arm will feel a constant cool breeze. Your plants...
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    Prop 215 Strawberry cough grow

    yup, I just recently came out of the closet so to speak
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    Prop 215 Strawberry cough grow

    mmm, i rather not. I have had awesome sucsess with it with other strains, and the dose I use is very light
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    Prop 215 Strawberry cough grow

    appears, nothing as of now. It dosent seem to be effecting the plant really at old. It is strange, i have been working with these genetics for the past few years. It always seems to throw this pattern. I cant figure it out
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    Prop 215 Strawberry cough grow

    Thanks fellas, must of stupped you all
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    HASH?? someone help me

    Click on the link step by step instructions
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    Prop 215 Strawberry cough grow

    Going to start a grow journal here shortly, have a few questions hopefully you all could help me with real quickly. 2 rooms Veg Room 400w MH 24" 8bulb t-5 ho TEMP 76 Flower Room 400w HPS (soon to be two 600's on a rail) 20lb co2 tank TEMP 85 Soil for both rooms consists of appox. 1/2...
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    i cant hang my bud up where i live....any suggestions

    Water curing, if you dont mind pot the isnt as tasty or smelly.
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    Worst drug ever

    Shrooms arnt herbal, AND THIER AMAZING =p
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    First Time Cloner Needs Help Cal Mag

    I wouldnt, if it is a time release fertalizer based soil it may burn the little guys. Just water them when needed. Post a pic it might help. Also can you see roots anywhere?
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    First Time Cloner Needs Help Cal Mag

    essentially peat moss balls with a netting around them that you soak in water and they expand. Work wonders. Cheap as dirt, no pun intended. I have heard of people having a cup of water on a window sill working. never tried it.
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    Protect your pets - dealing with cannabis toxicity

    Intresting read, usually it is the other way around. I have to protect my smoke from the cat..fucking stoner. Fortunitly he has never ingested any and after reading this I will take extra precations that he doesnt. As far as not blowing smoke in his face....well he makes that very difficult
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    First Time Cloner Needs Help Cal Mag

    Agreed, that soil is eaither gonna make life easy or real hard. Jiffy plugs are the way to go or a soil with nothing in it.
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    I Made a Funny

    Thanks, a good way to start a Friday =) TIGF Bitches
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    I Made a Funny

    Marijuana in Firewood Hello, is this the Sheriff's Office? Yes. What can I do for you? I'm calling to report bout my neighbor Virgil Smith...He's hidin marijuana inside his firewood! Don't quite know how he gets it inside them logs, but he's hidin it there.. Thank you very much for the call...
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    Tattoo, Need Your Help

    Totally agreed, the sad thing is i dont have a creative bone in my body. I know the fundamental image im going for in my head, but would like to see if there is anything anyone could contribute that I wouldnt of thought of otherwise, ya know.
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    Tattoo, Need Your Help

    Will be getting a tattoo this weekend across the bottom of my left wrist. It will be my mother initials ESW and her DOB and DOD Nov 16th 1950 - Aug 21st 2001 I have a few ideas in my head along with what my artist drew up. If anyone out there wouldnt mind wasting 5 mins of your time and...
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    im so dumb lol..

    are you sure you were smoking pot? ive talked to the frig..but never a toad
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    one 600w hps or four 150w hps

    Ugh, 1 600 on a light rail. Did no one think of that? It would be cheaper and more efficent.