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  1. ckckck

    Feminzed Seeds *Beware*

    100% here with fems so far touch wood
  2. ckckck

    Whats the longest lights can be off when flowering?

  3. ckckck

    2 weeks into flowering

    this is calcium lockout whats ur ph??
  4. ckckck

    First Time Scrog..

    trust me 100% ur gonna have problems with that many plants in such a small screen 4 to 5 max will be enough otherwise ur gonna have a mega overgrown jungle
  5. ckckck

    What in the world is this? Haalp!

    death is near lmfao
  6. ckckck

    First Harvest! Guess my yield!

    no were near done ive grown ice 2 times now and both times they needed 11 weeks urs are covered in white pistils you have a few weeks to go yet m8
  7. ckckck

    PPM Question for DWC

    no nutes for 1st 2 weeks then start them on 200ppm keep raising slowly over comming weeks
  8. ckckck

    Icbc injury claim

    1st tip get to the doctors asap complain about pain etc get tablets and just trhow in bin 2nd got to doctor few days later saying your still in very bad pain u get stronger tb this time probally opiates yum yum throw 3rd keep doing this over the weeks so this looks like its gonna be a on going...
  9. ckckck

    Prices in your Area. Humbolt Prices are Low

    well here in the uk we rarely get mex brick weed mainly mids that sell around £140/150 and top shelf around £210/250 depending on strain and who you know
  10. ckckck

    Bud inside carbon filter?

    wtf? dont understand what ur asking?
  11. ckckck

    Blender hash questions.

    U must be a retard lol
  12. ckckck

    Possible Hermi????

    looks like a hermie to me mate
  13. ckckck

    average LONDON price oz,kilo

    for somegood ting cheese blues etc 220 oz kilo u do the maths
  14. ckckck

    Traveling to mexico with Bud - fool proof

    we heres my 2 pence worth what ive done before 1 wrap weed tights as hell in ballon cut of the excess 2 buy some brillcream take out can be messy lol 3 put herb at bottom cover again with the brillcream put lid on and put it in ur suitcase NOT hand luggage done this 5 times over 8 years...
  15. ckckck

    Wots wrong with these buds n shall i chop her and turn it into butter?

    looks like piss poor genetics to me are these bag seed???
  16. ckckck

    5 weeks into flower.... lower leaves dying off

    no pictures = no help its near impossible to give an accurate answer
  17. ckckck

    ALL MALES. Look like 10 weeks down the drain, check the pics and confirm. =(

    all i see are BOLLOCKS feel bad for ya m8 bet ur right pissed off
  18. ckckck

    Not cool!

    ur problem is tempature imo raise the temps they will crack in no time
  19. ckckck

    Wanting to buy a business!!!

    is this for real why the fuck u come on a drug growing website to ask about A 200k loan goto the bank m8 dont ask a load ov stoners that aint got a clue wtf??