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  1. Cow Tea

    Aero-Soil Hybrid: Lemon Skunk, Jock Horror, LA Woman

    Update Most has been well. I guess i didn't notice when I watered in the LA Woman seed, it washed up and the tap root got exposed the the uppermost part of the soil, so it dried out and died. I should have covered it with a coco mat before watering it in, as I usually always do, but I didn't...
  2. Cow Tea

    Do I need to flush?

    So I've been smoking on my harvest since the point at which it could be smoked. For the first couple weeks I was starting to become certain that I should have flushed the plant, but now that I'm approaching the last 14 grams of the harvest, the smoke tastes really good. Better than most weed I...
  3. Cow Tea

    Aero-Soil Hybrid: Lemon Skunk, Jock Horror, LA Woman

    The rez temp is right at 71F after 24 hours with wrap. I'm guessing this should be okay with the H2O2?
  4. Cow Tea

    Aero-Soil Hybrid: Lemon Skunk, Jock Horror, LA Woman

    Hello this is my first successful (so far) run at hydro. I started off with DWC, using organic fert, but I kept getting crazy foam that blocked my bubbles from popping and wetting the roots above, so I thinned the solution, and the foam went away. The next problem I had was PH. I ended up buying...
  5. Cow Tea

    Got followed by a cop last night.

    Yeah... "Where's the dope at boy?" My town was fucked. I had to spend $250 on DUI class when I got caught with a couple grams of great herb. Whats even more fucked up is I wasn't in a car. One time a friend and I were goin on a burn ride (back in high school. I'm smarter now) and were riding...
  6. Cow Tea

    Do I need to flush?

    Yeah I don't see any reason for us to argue on this thread anymore. Shit talking isn't gonna help much either. I've gone ahead and cut her. And she had all green and sone purple leaves, but no yellow. I'm in the process of drying, so if there is another post in 12 days, hopefully it will be to...
  7. Cow Tea

    Purchased a Dissolved Oxygen (DO) meter

    Well you could always test two dwc buckets: one with a timer, one running constant. Sounds interesting
  8. Cow Tea

    Do I need to flush?

    She was talkin shit, so I cut her. She turned a little purple on some of the top nuggets. I've been testing her out, quick drying some small nuggets. Of coarse it tastes like I'm smoking grass, but I'm not impressed with the high at all. It's like a mids-ish high, but I didn't really expect too...
  9. Cow Tea

    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    btw how rude of me to not compliment you on your luscious garden. Looks great
  10. Cow Tea

    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    Word. I saw the video about that guy that got busted, but he was dumb. But it seems like it wouldn't make sense for them to bust people making 60-90K a year off it. The guy that got on the news was saying he expected $400K from his harvest. Shit if I lived out there I would want to devote 2000...
  11. Cow Tea

    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    So if you live in CO, why not just become a care giver and start growing like a mad man?
  12. Cow Tea

    Anyone have foam in there bubbleponic system!?!?!

    Yes this is the problem I was having. I mixed the water well and the foam went away, but the next day it was back, and is fucking my plants up too. I'm gonna clean everything out and just run water for a few more days, cuz i lost most of my dangling roots because they dried out. So you think...
  13. Cow Tea

    Anyone have foam in there bubbleponic system!?!?!

    I fixed my foam issues. All the rez needed was a good mixing. I just kinda dropped the nutes in yesterday and gave them a quick stir with my ph meter. After mixing the water thoroughly earlier today, and checking back later, all the foam build up was gone. There was a bit of foam, but not the...
  14. Cow Tea

    Anyone have foam in there bubbleponic system!?!?!

    yeah but it stops the breaking bubbles from forming a mist, which is causing my roots at the top of the bucket to dry, but if I raise my water level I'm afraid it's gonna cause my coco to be over watered. I had an experimental seedling die from foam piling up to the bottom of my pot...
  15. Cow Tea

    Anyone have foam in there bubbleponic system!?!?!

    I am hving the same problem, which lead me here. I just added G.O. Biothrive @ 1/4 strength and humic acid @ half stength yesterday. The foam is messing up my misting action from bubbles.
  16. Cow Tea

    human waste

    Sureley you atleast understand why some of us advise not to try it at home? I dont disagree that it's used, but don't you think it's a bad idea to just shit in your compost heap and hope it turns out alright? I would want to be certain enough in my humanute composting ability before using the...
  17. Cow Tea

    human waste

    Sad, but true. If only you could get high by smelling smoke... janitors have high risks of getting flu when it goes around, because flushing toilets send poo particles through the air and they breathe it in, but only think of it as a smell. One time I farted and gagged. Other times I've lit...
  18. Cow Tea

    human waste

    I dont at all argue that it can and is treated and used. We should be able to not let out waste go to waste. Would I do it at home? No. Maybe if it was aged properly in sawdust, mulch, etc... for at least a year or two, and then hot composted, or vice versa. Lets just say I wouldn't use it...
  19. Cow Tea

    human waste

    Dont use human feces. Even if you're a vegetarian, you've still got some nasty stuff in you for dealing with meat. Humanure is usually composted for a year, and even then is only fed to trees in a forest. I know a really backwoods off the grid guy that would never think of using humanure for his...
  20. Cow Tea

    DEA at it again

    yeah big ops like that need to be low key no matter what