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  1. kkt3

    Rotting pine needles?

    So I have this large pile of rotting pine needles and was wondering what to do with them. Any suggestions?
  2. kkt3

    If she ready?

    The buds put on most of there weight in the last few weeks. So the wait is definitely worth it!!! Looks really nice, good job!!
  3. kkt3

    If she ready?

    Do you know the flowering time of the plant you are growing? She does need a few more weeks for sure.
  4. kkt3

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    In an proper organic soil grow the ph should regulate itself. So it shouldn't be a concern.
  5. kkt3

    Harvesting my auto.

    So I have this gorgeous bagseed auto flower. I checked the trichomes the yesterday and the top bud has about 75 cloudy and 25 amber. Good time to harvest. The lower buds are not as ready as the top one. Can I harvest parts of an auto flower, or does it harm the plant?
  6. kkt3

    How to use purslane?

    Here's a pic of mine.
  7. kkt3

    How to use purslane?

    So me and the smarter half were weeding the garden last night and we pulled a few buckets of weeds outta there. One weed I find out this morning is called purslane. I did some reading this morning and found this information on it. Quite interesting actually. How would it be used for my girls...
  8. kkt3

    Thought I would play with a couple clones!!!

    Here's a pic I just took. I water until it runs out the bottom hole. The side branches have grown up the sides of the basket looking for light. She is quite happy!!!
  9. kkt3


    Check out Uncle Bens topping techniques in the advanced marijuana cultivation section.
  10. kkt3

    At what point does pollination stop?

    Thanks whitebb2727. So you are saying the seeds I will get this time will be both a mix of autos and photo? Then from those seeds, select an auto female and pollinate her with the original pollen? What type of seeds will I get from the second pollination? Trying to wrap my head around this...
  11. kkt3

    At what point does pollination stop?

    Let me see if I have this right vostok. The bagseed male will have photoperiod traits that are dominant over the auto traits, so the seeds that I get this time will have the bagseed male traits being dominant over the auto. When you say I will have to cross her again to lock in that recessive...
  12. kkt3

    At what point does pollination stop?

    Thanks Chef420 and vostok. She will get a spray of water then I will put her outside tomorrow morning so she can bask all day in the glory of the best fertilizer there is!!! The sun!!! Nope, bagseed male as far as I know was not an auto!!
  13. kkt3

    At what point does pollination stop?

    Hey Dudes!! I have an auto bagseed that I pollinated the bottom four branches of with pollen from another bagseed male. Using a small paint brush I dusted all the stigmas. That was last Tuesday and she has been inside since then because all my other girls are outside plants. They are just...
  14. kkt3

    Black dots under leaves

    A medicine man plant of mine is having an issue with spider mites. I have been brushing the under side of the leaves on a branch at a time every day or so with a soft bristle paint brush. My thinking is if I make it in-hospitable for them to live on her, then they won't. Yesterday I took 4...
  15. kkt3

    Thought I would play with a couple clones!!!

    That's what the guy said. Really haven't given it much thought. Just been enjoying watching the girls grow up!! Here's a night time shot of them!!
  16. kkt3

    Male or Female

    If your going to save the pollen, remember to save it in an air tight container an put some raw rice in there to absorb moisture before storing. I collected some pollen last month on some tin foil, and am going to pollinate a few plants with it. Looking forward to harvesting some seeds from a...
  17. kkt3

    Male or Female

    No room for that kind of name calling!!! It's good practice to do as much reading as possible when trying to make a call on such things as male and female plants. Lots of info around that will show.
  18. kkt3

    Best method of cloning

    I was 100% on all my clones this year using my aloe vera plant!!! Cut about a 1" piece off my aloe plant, cut my clones and dipped into the end of the aloe. Then planted into my seedling soil!!!
  19. kkt3

    Which foliar to use?

    Thanks V!! haha, just looking for some recipes for an aloe foliar as well. gonna have to get me some of the BioAg pure fulvic acid.
  20. kkt3

    Which foliar to use?

    I would like to give a foliar spray a try and was wondering which to use, a kelp meal or a fresh aloe. Plants are outside and in veg. I would soak the kelp meal in rainwater for 24 hours before straining and using. Can someone share a recipe for an aloe foliar using fresh aloe? Thanks!!