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  1. NightbirdX

    Powdery Mildew - Neem Oil only works for a short time - Apply Seranade?

    Unfortunately once your plants have PM, I don't think there is really a way to get rid of it. You either have to deal with it or raze it and start over. It is not good to ingest PM by the way. You can try to control it, but from my experience, once it manifests in the plants, you will have it...
  2. NightbirdX

    2 patients in need of Caregiver

    some people just aren't growers. I know some people that do a lot of glass work, but can't grow. So I do the weed work, they do the glass work. It is kind of like being a literature person or a math person...
  3. NightbirdX

    Turned In Paperwork Monday, How Long Before I Can Purchase Meds At A Dispensary?

    The legislation is very vague on this subject. Most dispensaries will not allow you to purchase or even be in the store until your 20 days has past, in which the state has 20 days to deny you. The state isn't getting to your paperwork in the 20 days that they give to deny you... They have way...
  4. NightbirdX

    Official Michigan Dispensary List Official

    A+ Medical Marijuana Services Specializing in Legalization, Meds, and Clones 3303 N. East St. Lansing, MI 48906
  5. NightbirdX

    2 patients in need of Caregiver

    A CAREGIVER should be giving his patients monthly medicine after THE PATIENT'S harvest has come in. If a caregiver is doing his job correctly, he can easily come off an ounce a month per patient. If you are getting a lb. per light, what is an ounce?
  6. NightbirdX

    fox farm grow big

    I was using 100% Happy Frog Soil and watering on the low end of the scale with the BioCanna line and burned the shit out of my plants. I would say if you are using over a half and half ratio of soil to soiless or amendments like perlite, Then give the plants a little while to take out the...
  7. NightbirdX

    First flower need advice /w pic

    I don't know how much clones go for where you are, but we sell them for 10-25 bucks depending on size. I would invest 40-100 bucks in something that was gonna return that 10 fold.
  8. NightbirdX

    Pollen!!!...plz help!!!

    If you are finding seeds in your bags then your plants went Lady Gaga one way or the other. I would never recommend growing bag seeds personally unless you absolutely didn't have anything else to grow, in which I would invest in some seeds of your choice. Find a place that grows clones and see...
  9. NightbirdX

    One of my last Organic grows Pics

    How does doing organic or RDWC affect your plant count? My grow is legal and I follow plant limitations. I am not trying to be aggressive, I just don't follow the train of thought. Maybe something about getting a better yeild or something from hydro? On anothoer note those are some very...
  10. NightbirdX

    24 hour dark before 12/12?

    I personally grow as organically/veganically as possible and if it were okay here to do outdoor crops, I would be doing outdoor crops and using natural sunlight. I don't think we are doing things totally unnaturally. We are mimicking the environment of nature, granted we try to keep the...
  11. NightbirdX

    deformed leaves

    MG is actually made for Flowers and is not meant for things that are being inhaled and consumed. If you are going to buy fertilizer, go with something organic, or specifically made for growing edibles. MG makes things big and pretty, but contains toxic metals and chemicals that are not meant...
  12. NightbirdX

    Under feeding?

    The tops are looking good. I had some that were like that that ended up dying off and I just took them off the plant. I would say that as long as the tops and new growth of your plant is green and vibrant, you are in the good. Sometimes, leaves just run their course and die.
  13. NightbirdX

    1st kush grow.. advice needed.

    I agree with jelmo. Jorge's book is a good place to start, but it gives you the basics. Once you get those, you will want to move on to more advanced stuff. Just don't overwhelm yourself. While it is easy to kill your plants if you aren't doing it right, your ladies are still just... well...
  14. NightbirdX

    24 hour dark before 12/12?

    I'm with Oldreefer. Plants don't really get a full 24 hours of darkness before going into flowering in nature, I don't see why I should have the audacity to try and challenge nature's design. Next I'll be trying to prove that we landed on the moon in 1969...
  15. NightbirdX

    deformed leaves

    Are you checking the heaviness of your pots before you water? How much water are you giving them per feeding/ watering? I personally don't stagger feeding/water/feeding/water. I just feed and let it soak up all the nutrients and dry out then feed again. When your plants start drying up is...
  16. NightbirdX

    transfer from 18/6 to 12/12

    Yes, I would say that if you are growing in the same room and just changing times, then turn them off at 11am and start them again at 9pm. You should be fine.
  17. NightbirdX

    deformed leaves

    Light stress causes spiraling leaves, when a plant is stressed, say from transplanting or whatever, they will start pushing deformed leaves, 3 leafed leaves, 4 leafed leaves, etc. When they start pushing normal leaves again, you know that your plant has recovered from the shock and should grow...
  18. NightbirdX

    BioCanna frustrated.... :(

    I did on my plants in flowering. They are taking low level nutrients well. I'm just letting them do their thing and they seem happy. At least happier than they were, lol. My plants in veg are blowing up well. I can't wait to send them into flowering. Another 2 weeks and I will be sending...
  19. NightbirdX

    24 hour dark before 12/12?

    I went from 18/6 to 12/12 on my latest 4 plants and it took 5 days for the first to show signs of flowering and 8 for the last.
  20. NightbirdX

    UTA's indoor organics, and waterfarmin' closet: Blue Widow, Querkle, Qleaner, OGK

    I feel you man. I have one of my plants that is doing the same, but I know it came from a verified female and I have smoke the end result, lol. Patience is a virtue. :)