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  1. NightbirdX

    Attitude Biggest Promo!

    I may be getting some ChemValley Kush sooner than I though. I need to think of a good indica or medicinal strain that I want also. Maybe some NL #2. Gotta love a 45-55 day plant. :P
  2. NightbirdX

    vegan pot?

    I grow as veganically as I can. I tell you what also, I have seen some pretty surprising results and vigor in my plants since I switched from Fox Farms to BioCanna. I have had a bit of a learning curve, but it is coming together nicely and my plants in flowering are looking tasty and are...
  3. NightbirdX

    How do you grow your 12 plants?

    This is how I set up my perpetual also. Basically harvesting 4 plants every month. Rather than having 12 to do at the end of flower and getting 3-4 grows in a year, I am always growing and cuting my load of work down by 2/3 basically. 12 plants worth of harvesting can be a lot for one guy...
  4. NightbirdX

    signing on a caregiver

    They shouldn't need a copy of your anything. it is a completely separate form that you need to fill out to change caregivers. You will need to fill out a copy of The change form found at: Change Form:
  5. NightbirdX

    Introducing Nutes

    Plain water will ride you out until you are ready to transplant out of cups or trays. If you are using a sterile medium, I would introduce your nutrients at like you said, 1/4 dosage. If they start yellowing like they are needing more nutrients, give it a half dose, so on, yada yada. My...
  6. NightbirdX

    2 patients in need of Caregiver

    I am alternating lights in the Veg room at the moment. I have 2 MH 1000 on the outsides with a 1000w HPS in the middle. I also use a400w MH and HPS 400w in the Veg room. I try to rotate the plants around to get a good dosage of both, some get better exposure and I try to give the plants a...
  7. NightbirdX

    UTA's indoor organics, and waterfarmin' closet: Blue Widow, Querkle, Qleaner, OGK

    Looking good man. Any word on the sexing yet?
  8. NightbirdX

    Vegan Organic Green Crack = Vegan Crack

    I've had some PM issues on some plants that just finished. I have been neeming the plants every 2 weeks and give Nitrozyme every week as a foliar and help keep the leaves clean. It popped up on previously untouched plants. I know several friends who have used Serenade also, and I plan on...
  9. NightbirdX

    2 patients in need of Caregiver

    $10/g is a great price, I agree that you are not raping per se. But I know a lot of patients have a hard time paying that. I know that some can. If yours can, get what you feel is comfortable, but don't go banging around sayin my shit is charity. My patients are cool and do me good. I do...
  10. NightbirdX

    2 patients in need of Caregiver

    I don't volunteer my time. I work my ass off. I think it is pretty low of caregivers to take advantage of their patients and make a raping in the dispensary. I see it all the time. Patients come in here and tell us how their Caregiver rapes every day. They go to the dispensaries because...
  11. NightbirdX

    2 patients in need of Caregiver

    ] Is that 23 oz after 3 months or do you do that every month?
  12. NightbirdX

    Legality of outdoor growing...

    I've heard of several stories going both ways. I was just wondering if there was any validity to any of them.
  13. NightbirdX

    2 patients in need of Caregiver

    Ya I'm with rzza on that one. I'd like to know who is producing a lb a month for 100 dollars. Maybe outdoor on average after harvest is done, but not indoor.
  14. NightbirdX

    Legality of outdoor growing...

    Ya I'm sure it will go by a case by case basis too, basically if the are prudes, they be dicks, if they are cool they prob let it slide.
  15. NightbirdX

    Poll: Michigan voters would back medical marijuana law again

    I am glad to see this. I heard the other day on a news program that a majority of Americans just really don't give a hoot about marijuana use either way. Even if it was legalized you would still have that minority that would be against it. Just like there are people that are against drinking...
  16. NightbirdX

    ACLU To Appeal Today's Dismissal Of Lawsuit Against Wal-Mart For Firing Cancer Patien

    I hate hearing about stuff like this. You know honestly they need to get over it already. And even if it wasn't legal (WHICH IT IS) if someone has an inoperable brain tumor that will more than likely take their life, I think they have earned the right to smoke as much fucking reefer as they...
  17. NightbirdX

    Legality of outdoor growing...

    So I am wondering if anyone has heard anything more about this. I have heard from several sources that in communities outside the capitol, if you are doing an outdoor grow in a locked protected facility that the local law will look the other way if you are a licensed medical patient growing...
  18. NightbirdX

    2 patients in need of Caregiver

    I'm not gonna break it all down barney style for everyone...
  19. NightbirdX

    2 patients in need of Caregiver

    I get it dude, the shit ain't free. I know this. But if you are doing it right, it should just take care of itself. I am far from rich, I've always been poor. I am a caregiver for 3 other patients including myself. The standard rate I give them is that their 1st oz. is free. The second...
  20. NightbirdX

    2 patients in need of Caregiver

    Are you on crack? Ya I do know what I am talking about. You can easily run a perpetual cycle and pull a lb. per patient down a month. Obviously if you don't know this you are doing it wrong. So ya an oz. per month per patient isn't anything. You are caregiving for them. They are your...