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  1. NightbirdX

    Good idea to transplant

    I don't think that transplanting them now would really do any good. The root growth isn't really going crazy this late into bloom and you would probably just end up stressing the plant, and stress during flowering is not a good thing, lol.
  2. NightbirdX

    General Organics

    I've heard a lot of good things about it, I don't know anyone who uses the full line, but I know many who supplement with the BioThrive Grow and BioThrive Bloom and love it.
  3. NightbirdX

    Under feeding?

    How old are your plants? I had the same problem with my Apollo 13 plants after a transplant. I gave them a half dose of nutes and it helped, but they were still this olive drab green/yellow color. I dosed them with a normal dosage and they perked up and took off. They haven't stopped growing...
  4. NightbirdX

    Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

    Ya I must have misread that. I thought you meant that you were later into the harvest. Our plants that we are using Fox Farms on are just getting their flush and are starting to yellow up and some of them are even purpling and turning red. It's pretty cool. I don't really go by the...
  5. NightbirdX

    Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

    I will keep that in mind Matt. I heard that White Rhino is a heavy eater and have upped my dosages in my feeding schedule. The purpling has lessened quite a bit in one day and I will be sure to check that again tomorrow. I was under the assumption that you do not have to pH your water when...
  6. NightbirdX

    Whats going on!?! White rhino soil help!

    My White Rhinos want space of their own and grow very bushy very quickly. I've been giving them a low nutrient regimen and they aren't happy and want more, I doubled the feeding dosage and they still want more. Always give them room if you can.
  7. NightbirdX

    Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

    They are supposed to be starting to yellow up during the second half right? lol. I am going to be doing a gradual introduction of Flores. Basically this is the first week of flower and I am going 4ml of Vega, next week will be 3 vega/1 flores, then 2 vega/2 flores, 1 vega/3 flores, then into...
  8. NightbirdX

    Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

    A friend gave us a mother plant that he couldn't keep anymore, and I took cuts from it. I don't know where it came from originally though. He didn't remember as the mother had also been passed to him. He brought some of the final product in a few weeks back and if it wasn't White Rhino, it...
  9. NightbirdX

    Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

    Happy for the update Matt and good luck in your endeavors, it sounds like you are busy, but it also sounds like fun. My grow is also going much better once I cut the soil in half with a soilless medium. Straight Happy Frog was just too much for them. I still am having issues with my plants...
  10. NightbirdX

    ballast placement

    I try to never leave a ballast on the ground in a grow room. You could spill water or it could get hot and start carpet on fire. I try to place them off the ground if not above my plants. I place plywood on top of 2 of my hanging boards and it serves as a nice shelf to place ballasts on. It...
  11. NightbirdX

    large leaves blocking light- Should I cut it??

    Like collective gardener said, you have to out weigh the pros and cons of cutting it and losing growth potential, or leaving it shaded and losing growth potential. I always tend to err on the side of letting a little bit more light through.
  12. NightbirdX

    Cloning in Coco?

    There was an article in High Times that talked about cloning in Coco. I'll see if I can dig up the information on it.
  13. NightbirdX

    large leaves blocking light- Should I cut it??

    I also trim large leaves. I only take ones that are blocking light and preventing good air flow. Basically if my plant becomes too bushy and I feel that it isn't going to get good air flow to the middle, and I have some big leaves in there cluttering things, i will remove them. 2 birds with 1...
  14. NightbirdX

    Transplant Question

    I just transplanted my CC Sour Kush and my Jack Here into bags yesterday. They were started on 1/18. Be sure not to let your plants stretch too much, when they reach around 3" out of the soil, I would lower the light on them. I had mine in a room with a CFL overhead in the ceiling and took a...
  15. NightbirdX

    Source of a deficiency

    I had nute burn on mine that looked just like that lol. But, my problems were completely different than your problems. I would honestly just go with your soil mix and stay away from the Miracle grow.
  16. NightbirdX

    how much damage can light fo during the dark period

    I am sure you probably could burn your plants with a tea. If you brewed it particularly potently. I hear some people cut it with water depending on how dark it is. My buddy says that he likes his murky, but not too dark.
  17. NightbirdX

    how much damage can light fo during the dark period

    Put your compost or whatever you are using to make a tea into a nylon sock and then soak that in a 5 gallon bucket. You could add an aerator, etc. But if you just wanna make a quick tea, put your material in a nylon stocking and put it into the bucket. Stir it several times vigorously to...
  18. NightbirdX

    how much damage can light fo during the dark period

    Ya my buddy and I did some outdoor in his own home made compost. This is another low cost easy way to make some nutrient soil. You could just do a tea with the compost or do some planting with it, I would recommend a base sterile soil be cut with it over just using the 100% compost to plant...
  19. NightbirdX

    how much damage can light fo during the dark period

    If you had no other problems, I would probably point it at the lack of nutrients over anything else.
  20. NightbirdX

    how much damage can light fo during the dark period

    I'm not saying that it will happen all the time, but if you are close enough to a light source, it definitely could happen. Why cause problems if you can avoid them? Fix it before it happens is my motto. :P Ya, lack of nutes could definitely eff up your grow, lol.