Take ur buds out and spread them out appart from eachother so none are touching. Put a fan on low blowing accross them. Just so u feel the air slitley. Let them sit that way for about an hour. Put the buds back into ur jars and check agin in another 12 hours. If needed then repete. They sound...
Im leaving one in a jar here and there. Im waiting on the boveada 62% packs to get here. Im not worried about it effecting the bud. Better then screwing it all up and haveing nothing imo.
Rooms are all differnt RH%. Dark and cool is the best place. Keept out of kight. Im in ontario Canada and its pretty cold and rainy here. My house showes 50-60% ish but when i drop the meters in the jars and check the next morning my jars r arrounf 65-75%. Some holding at 62-65%
Its about preference really. But i like mine to be as close to 65% as i can. A little under i dont mind but not much highr at all. So far i have 9 big jars and 9 med jars. I still have 3/4 of the way to go. Need to go out and get a shit ton more jars haha and meters.
Yup there little blue ones. I usually open the jars a few hours at a time. It will drop to 65 or so and stay after a bit of burping. I got 4 jars holding ATM.
As for how long it takes to change is usually 30 mins to 2 hours iv noticed. But mine usually tells me the % in the jars pretty quick...
I use the EXACT same hydrometers. They work. Trust your instraments. When you stop trusting them and start going by eye is where people fuck up there harvest. I leave mine in the jars but if the RH is higher then 75 i take all the buds out and hang for a half a day. I used big storage bins...
Put a humidity meter in each jar and fill with bud. Keep burping the jars until you are maintaining about 65% for 12 hours with the lid closed in the jars.
This is the tip of 1 branch. I LST from the start. Every branch has coals like that or bigger. I harvested 3 out of 5 already. Letting the last two go a week or 2 longer.
I lst this year and noticed it was much easyer to bend the plant arround about 1-2 hours after you water it. Try it out if your worried about snapping. I didnt snap a single branch by watering first.
Fuck me. I hear ya. Just clean it up as best as you can and keep an eye on em. I had bud rott and white mold. Felt like i was kicked in the bag when i found it. Good luck!
Comming along nicely. Getting a little concerned about this wet weather tho. Was thinking about choppin em down on the weekend. Just unsure of how close they are to being ready.
Anyone out there able to ballpark if there close or not?
Also security is a concern