From what I gather. A caregiver or group of caregivers contacted tee n tee and snitched on them saying the dispensos where selling to more than there 5 registered patients.
Not really sure how all this dispensery bullshit works or how they claim they are operating legally. But seems to me like...
I would go with Kali mist personally. I have never grown it but it is in my most memorable smokes. I would get hy hands on some moonshine haze or ghost train haze from rd.
Just was looking through the latest version.
Page 20.
Dont want to beat the dead horse but, Where is the evidence of TGA snitching? Just some dumb fuck convicted serial rapist talking shit on his you tube channel that nobody watches?
That shit is funny. I haven't had that happen yet but had several try and write checks and one guy offered me a Wal-Mart gift card lol. I don't think the electric company or grow store will take a Wal-Mart gift card lmfao.
One guy moved to Minn and he calls me every so often to try and sweet...
It's funny I have had patients want stuff for free but turn around and have no problem going into an illegal dispensery and paying out the ass.
I had a pt get pissed off at me for not giving away for free when my donation rate it extremely low. They go find another cg that promises the world...
I've been down this road before. Tried all the products. The only on that works is dutch master zone. Got rid of the rot over night and never came back as long as you treat any water you add to the system.
You got it buddy. No room for thugs, wannabes, or gangsters in this industry. Better get your ducks in a row and be ready to work your ass off to be in this new industry coming up. Not siting around acting tough smoking nasty ass blunts and tooting your own horn on you tube.
Everyone thinks...
Komas channel was called komagrows I believe. His instasgtam Is prolificcoastseeds. I think he stopped YouTube because instasgtam is easier and less time consuming than uploading and editing videos. He probably ran because fighting on the internet like that is childish and like the special...
So where in that thread does it exactly say Sub or TGA snitched on anyone? All I read was He had made a rude comment on gypsy getting busted.
a few years ago KOMA and nattie G got into a bit of a youtube grower battle. Nattie made a vid exposing Koma' face because he always hid his face. So...
I have a hard time believing a convicted rapist that uses the N word 3 times in one sentence. He says it's been confirmed by Danny greenthumb but I see nowhere that old danny claims such. I would toss all my tga gear if they did truly snitch .
I did a quick Google search on ole danny boy and...
1000 for 1 clone from fem seed. This is a commercially available strain. I'd rather buy 2 packs from the tude and choose from 12 phenotypes and not have to deal with inheriting viruses and mites from some rickedy ass grow. I bet gg#4 is a better smoke and I can get a clone for free.
I run 3 gavita's in 12x6.5x8 room and pull some pretty awesome numbers. I mount them to the ceiling. Gavita builds the 600/750 unit that will run 850w on overdrive. They recommend that unit for ceiling heights 8' and under. Get prepared to feed your plants more as well.
Now I take no credit for this mix I learned it from c.c. . I have just improved upon it and my results are blowing me away so much I wanted to share with the nerds out there.
1x 3.0 cu ft bale of peat moss no perlite or limestone fluffs out to approx 4.0 cu ft.
4 cu ft of aeration rice hulls or...
I have 2 glue crosses going right now from red eyed genetics.
Lake of fire (gg#4 x kobain kush)
Glue trap (gg#4 x guard dawg f2)
I will get some pics of the glue trap tonight she's about done.