I had a guy suggest that I inject the stalks with lsd and it will make the weed super trippy man.
I told the guy it sounds like a waste of good acid man...
Buildasoil.com is a good place to start. It's funny looking back at this thread because while this recipe does work very well it is a bit expensive and time consuming to mix up but it is simple to use and only requires a top dressing of fresh soil on day 7 of flower and it is water only. I made...
Squished out some Clementine (Lemon skunk x Tangie) dry sift rosin. The sift was nearly full melt but I couldn't help but to squish it.
Taste is on point orange lemons.......Day time smoke and a big yielder.
I found this article with a simple google search http://www.hightimes.com/read/highest-thcv-strains
It seems I recall reading that THCV is especially common in Sub-Saharan African land races or IBL's.
^^^rosin puddles nice. Sour pez from LaPlata Labs I assume? I've been growing Alien blues for some time now and have Green alien seeds I have yet to pop.
Search dry sift wizard he has a site and sells the screens in several different sizes.
The ui of each screen is the wizards "trade secret" he gets them custom made in a specific ui or lpi mesh.
Several people have tried to imitate this tek using almost the same screens but fall considerabley...
Its just that I am against the concept that we must vote to make something legal that the government had no authority to outlaw in the first place. But I guess implied concent from the voters to allow congress to break the law makes it OK.
As far a people being put in jail. Unfortunately people...
The idea is stacking screens that are of a specific size. The first screen allows the trichromes and small bits of plant matter and pistilate hairs to fall through. The pistilate hairs and other contaminates are typically not round in shape and become lodged or turn sideways as they fall and hit...
I still wont be able to Sell my produce at farmers markets to people over 21 years of age. I will have to get a special licenses to do so and also jump through a whole bunch of bureaucratic hoops.
Squeezing out the little guys in the industry. And also will my 2nd amendment rights be guaranteed...
Hmm...well I dont sell weed and I only charge my patients 150 donation a zip soo whats your point again....
And no need for a sore butthole man. Last time I read the language there was weight limits in there.
Maybe I will sign it now that you point it out...but no need to be a cock about...
Yeah it seems to add a vaped bud taste to the oil. I dunno I guess I just like the oil to be so thick in flavor you can almost chew the smoke and when I taste weird things it turns me off.
It seems to be worse with certain strains and probably over heating a little bit, but I feel with using...
I won't sign any of them. What's the point. Remember it will only be legal if you follow the law to a "T". Ie you have less than 12 plants , 1 oz and don't drive ever " zero tolerance in this state ". Seems pretty shitty to me. A fucking oz won't last me a camping trip. And if you grow more than...
I find pressing flowers impregnates the oil with an abv taste. I use dry sift...can make half oz of oil pretty quick using the dry sift wizard tek and hair straightener tek.
Yeah that's the one. Pretty slick imo but a little much at $600. I'm still using the hair straightener that I got for free and can squeeze out enough oil to smoke for a week. I just keep the dry sift in jars in the refrigerator press it into pucks wrap in tea bag and press.
I do this because...
I'm not for legalizing cannabis if it means giving up my other rights like the 2nd amendment....
Bottom line is we need a paradigm shift of mass proportions.
We need to realize government is nothing more than violent gangs that use force and cohersion on its own followers. If an idea or system...
Also they are largley funded by George Soros. A known and admitted nazi collabotator who quote goes on 60 minutes and says " he has no remorse for what he did".
Forgot to mention I had an ecu module for a skidoo sent over to sweeden to be reprogrmed and modified. Yeah... Sat in customs for a month and they clearly opened it.
Yup I have had 3 orders siezed in the past year. One even wrote on the inside of the empty seed package "hi" with my name written and an upsidedown smilie face. Pretty creepy. Now I just order all my beans from 1 of my 5 or so sources within these borders.