I went to the SoCal Cannabis Cup in Berdoo over the weekend and stopped by the Archive Seed Bank booth. They had Burkle (Bubba X Purple Urkle) listed but I didn't want to commit $100 at the time. So I found out that Burkle comes from Humboldt CSI and they have their own web site...
Never heard of the Danish strain Pibeurt and (based on my five minutes of in-depth Google research) it has a weak reputation, but even the people who slam it say it finishes fast for a sativa and resists mold, so maybe it would be good for hybridizing with a more powerful strain. At least the...
Well I went Sunday. Weather was cold for late May with traces of rain. I ended up getting an eighth of Godfather, some edibles, several packs of seeds and six clones.
I doubt it's deer. I'm in the middle of LA County and the plants are in a yard surrounded by fences and walls that only a cat, raccoon or possum would climb over. The plants don't show any signs of being chewed by anything bigger than an insect. There is an orange tree nearby and the birds do...
I'm in SoCal and I turned off the night light about a month ago to let the plants go ahead and flower. I may end up having to move to a new location in a few months, so I wanted to harvest early. If the light cycle screws up the flowering, I'll just have to deal with it when it happens.
Yeah, practically all my plants turned purple when they finished last fall-winter. I grow a couple of purple strains: GDP and Godfather Purps. But the Cheese and Paris OG plants also got purple AF, especially in the cooler weather with short days.
Growing in LA County. Something knocked a branch off of my Tahoe plant a couple nights ago. Might have been the wind. But this particular plant was kind of the runt of the litter. I got it as a clone and it was always kind of stunted compared to the others I planted.
It's either aliens or the wind or some little four-legged critters, but something keeps knocking my plants off-kilter at night. I had to put upside-down tomato cages over a couple of them to keep them upright. And then I went out yesterday morning and found that a Tahoe plant that I had pruned...
I have seen Charlie Sheen listed on WeedMaps menus for places around Whittier recently. They were asking something like $55 an eighth. And that is pretty expensive for these dives that are probably not even "legal" dispensaries. Sorry I can't be more specific, but I think it is available. But if...
I grew a couple Diamond clones that I got from Kind Peoples in Santa Cruz. The flowers really looked like they were encrusted in industrial diamonds like diamond drill bit or grinding tool. Sparkly as hell!
Also, I found some seeds in an eighth of Charlie Sheen once, planted them, and they...
I've grown two crops of Paris OG clones that I got from a dispensary in Whittier last year. I think it's a nice mellow buzz but my wife has tried it twice and she says it make her head spin too much and doesn't want to do it again! I like how it has enough space between nodes that air circulates...
First I got cuttings from a place in Van Nuys called House of Clones. I don't think they have been around for several years now, and the last time I went they didn't have Louis even though they advertised it on WeedMaps. Then I moved to Salinas. I might have gotten cuts from one of the...
Louis XIII is one of my favorites. I've grown it 2-3 times, once from seed. The seed plant never got more than about 18 inches tall indoors but it was so potent it was almost scary. IRL Louis XIII was the king of France during the Three Musketeers era! I hope I am correct about that historical...
To me, it's confusing as hell that if I get "OG Kush" clones or seeds it may turn out to be identical to, say, Tahoe OG or Fire OG or SFV or Larry or whatever. I'm trying to come up with a list of all the strains that are directly related to whatever OG Kush really is. So far besides the four...
Hey guys, I found this site when I Googled Mama Funk:
Is that the same Mama Funk who is/was on Strainly.io? I could not find any "Mama Funk" when I searched Strainly.
Single Seed Center sent me two of their in-house "Platinum Collection" feminized Cheese seeds as a freebie with an order of other strains. Being a bungling buffoon, I killed one of them right after it sprouted but the other gave me a nice plant that I put outdoors in SoCal in late summer last...
Plant on left is Sugar Kush. On right is Blue Cookies. They've been in the ground about a month or so. I put plastic cups with holes in the bottom next to the roots as an experiment in saving water, but it rained here in LA County twice in the past few days as Mother Nature just loves to f___...