I've never had any of my stuff tested but I heard good word-of-mouth reports from local growers regarding SC Labs in Santa Cruz. I think they also have a branch in Santa Ana. I believe SC does a lot of testing for dispensaries.
However, there's always a caveat: Labs get accused of shady...
OK I admit I used mancozeb last winter but I don't know if it did much good. I also used neem but was told that it could mess up the flowers.
This season I'm making sure that I keep the budworms out of my garden with spinosad and Bt. The worms were the main reason my flowers got bud rot.
Ugh. Just so happens I'm in the middle of a kidney stone episode. I just took the second Tramadal of the day and now I'm waiting till I can take 800 mg ibuprofen in addition. I don't have any of the official CBD strains to vape now but maybe I should try GDP or Godfather Purp. Right now I'm...
No, this is a first for me. The clone is one of the most vigorous that I have running now, may be the fastest-growing of the lot. Unfortunately my wife tried a gram of the flowers that I got from the dispensary and says they don't seem to do much for her pain. But I will keep growing the clone...
And two of the idiots involved had themselves a machine gun!
For the most part, the flowers seem about the same to me, but I've been mainly vaping my own homegrown since I got down here. Main difference is in the L.A. area a bunch of dispensaries are trying to low-ball their prices, while up north prices seem to have gone sky high in a lot of places. I...
Another thing, FWIW, all four plants that got "sick" were grown from seed. I have about eight others that are clones and none of them were affected by whatever is bothering the seed plants.
Also, I have five plants growing in containers and they have not been affected. Four of them are seedlings.
Update, if anyone cares: The four affected plants are still alive. The three Dr. Feelgood still look awful but I think that the newest leaves are growing out healthy. The GDP (in photo) appears to be OK and I took a few cuttings off it this morning. I have sprayed with spinosad and "Worry Free"...
"A former Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy was given community service after pleading no contest Thursday to planting firearms at a South L.A. marijuana dispensary to justify making an arrest, officials said Thursday.
"The complaint states that the deputy actually crawled under a...
Crap! You're right! I just gave the plants more water AND ferts, because I was thinking "No way could they be overwatered," but now I recall I asked someone to water them while I was in the hospital. When I came home yesterday they did not look thirsty but I gave them water anyway because the...
Yeah I was thinking with all the wind they might be dehydrated even though I watered them last night. Up till now they were the healthiest-looking of my dozen or so plants. Maybe they "outgrew" the water supply that I was giving them.
Anyway, thanks for the feedback.
I checked half a dozen plants for mites with a sheet of white paper and I only found one live critter that looked like a mite. The plants are due for spinosad and fertilizer anyway so I guess I will give them some, but I was hoping someone might be able to recognize the symptoms.
I have about...
I was hospitalized for a couple days and got out yesterday. Checked my plants and they seemed to be normal. Gave them all a bit of water in case they were thirsty. Then I went out this morning and noticed two with curling or “canoeing” leaves. One is a Dr. Feelgood autoflower and the other is a...