It would be able to handle it at 1.5A easily too.
1.8A too.
You generally want to keep the temperature of the COB under 85 degrees, it can handle more heat when driven below 2.8A but going hotter means sacrificing efficiency.
The heatsink temp increases by 0.738 °C every watt, so let's...
You may want to get some UV supplemental led lights.
I've read that THC is like a natural sunblock for weed and UV light stresses/damages the plant, therefore with UV light it will produce more THC to protect itself.
Main benefit with LED for commercial growers is that you can replace 5000 watt of HPS with 5000 watt of LED and get an increase in yield which will boost profit much more than a lower electricity bill will ever do.
So if I understand correctly the HLG-185H-C needs the heatsink grounded since it's class 1?
Edit:My sockets of the grow room don't have a ground/earth either way, they're 2 pin
Just participate in the cup with CXB3590s and UV supplemental leds.
If you make pics/videos you simply swap the light momentarily
Afterwards you send the Mars light you've won to Realstyles
Little random but I think a lot of people are really overrating passive cooling.
Even adding a 1 watt fan will tremendously boost the cooling performance.
A LED will only pull an X amount of Volt with a given current.
The Vero 29 pulls between 36-38V @1.4A
www.bridgelux.com/sites/default/files/resource_media/DS33 Vero 29 Array Data Sheet Rev J 20150908.pdf
I suggest you read http://rollitup.org/t/old-news-for-potheads.895710/
Green light is beneficial.
White light > blurple.
Blackdogled has posted bullshit on their site before, see their "efficiency myth" article.
I can't trust them, they're just trying to sell their "5 watt" led lights...
Lol @ Blackdogled, the same people who wrote the "efficiency myth"
"If 5W LEDs are great for growing plants, it seems as though 10W LEDs would be even better, but this is not (yet) the case. 10W LEDs are not available yet in all the colors we need to create our Phyto-Genesis Spectrum™. The 10W...
See page 6
The CXB2530 pulls 36.5V to almost 38V @ 1300mA depending on the temperature, lower temp means higher voltage.
So the driver is very far from ideal with the COB.
Also what...
You will want 30-50 watts per square foot.
Also why the CXA3050?
3 CXB3070 @1.9A will do great.