Once again, the issue is a noob attemtping hydro. This is what happens when noobs see the advanced setups. Transplant her into soil and your problems are solved.
Those leaves are dark green though so I'm not gonna say N deficiencyt. At the same time, I don't say any burns. Could be cal/mag or even the roots getting killed from the clear containers.
The mother and the 11 clones are now flowering. Saw pistils yesterday. Things are going to get crazy over the next few weeks. Mother has 18 tops as of now sticking through the screen.
Looks really nice, like reallllyyy nice. My only recomendation is to figure out your ventilation. CFLs are a fucknig pain in the ass and will make that box hot as fuck. Go with like a 4 bulb x 2' T5H0. They donbt cause heat and are easy to get close to the plants. Use some sort of hook to...
The issue with coco is you have to measure out your nutrients like hydro. This is a task within itself so when you add it to the difficulties that every noob has, it usually leads to a fuck up. Personally I grow in my own mix of soil and have no drive to move to hydro anytime soon.
Why the fuck would anyone start with coco for their first grow. Makes no sense, it literally is the same pain in the ass as hydro. The issue is noobs go see advanced setups and then it never works out