That's what I've been wondering about doing. Getting a solid base and add up from there, the only thing missing is sulfuric acid and potassium hydroxide.
I was looking at Roots Organics, but I'm more familiar with making a concentrated solution from the dry and using that.
I'm not talking about television, I haven't owned one in years.
I'm talking about first-hand experience.
During the tourist season there is a huge influx of people that consume a lot of food at local restaurants.
In all honesty, from experience, the freshest fish are closest to the ocean.
I was thinking more on the lines of paper, clothing, shoes etc.
Just using hemp to make paper would put the logging industry out of business.
ESIT: Unless the logging companies convertered to hemp, change their process and buy land to farm instead of tearing out the heart of the Amazon.
I believe we all have valid points here.
@ttystikk has brought up a very important angle I was hoping to discuss.
Industrial hemp/cannabis.
All of those stalks and stems that get thrown away could be making textiles etc.
Think of how strong our economy would be if we, as a country, sold hemp...
Sara Lee Coffe and Tea.
I did some designs for this company years ago, I watched as they switched the labels on the machines and filled the cans with the same coffee beans.
Now, one label cost one price and the other label cost another. They had different places on the shelves, one higher one...
I went back and carefully read my prior post, not a single insult in the bunch of words I chose to use.
Given the fact that I never insulted you, you claim I insulted you and you believe it.
You are a sociopath.
Furthermore, you intend to spread misinformation about me in an attempt to...
I NEVER insulted you, that is not in my nature.
From what I can see, I can purchase two V29Cs for one 1825.
From what I can see, I can purchase three Vero29Cs for the price of one 3618.
That's two to three times without taking into account being able to push the Vero29C to 1400 mA, passively...