Beware! I got some glass jars like that but the seals were not real rubber but something else. After a few weeks the seal began too smell, then rot!
Also make sure the jar is food safe. Sometimes they sell that decorative stuff that's made in China as usable but it may not be safe.
Good. Never used it but I've heard it's been used for growing marijuana with good results.
OLdMedUser has given the best advice. Which means that's what I'd do, so I suggest you follow it.
She looks fine, just love her to death
You are right about cleaning new plants. The only times I ever got mites (twice) is when I brought in clones.
I now grow only from seed and have had no problems with them, even in the summer.
I'd just pull if they got infested in late flowering. The risk of smoking something; that might be deemed safe for consumption on food but when burned could be something completely different is one I won't take.
It sounds like it works like neem oil but with rosmaric acid. Only it seems more like it repels them, like neem, but doesn't kill them.
It does sound like it would be safe. I wonder if you used it soon enough if just repelling them would do it?
I was curious what was in the soil your using so I googled it and came across this which might be of interest too you.
The short version...your soil is shit.
You might want to think about transplanting to a better soil.
She's looking good but still has at least a month to go. If you cut her now the high is going to be more of a sleepy buzz. Like too much cough syrup (IMHO).
You'll also lose some of your yield. The last weeks are when they fatten up and get juicy.
The smell is only going to get stronger so you...
Keep an eye on your temps. Dehumidifiers will add heat as they remove moisture. I have an old Sears dehumidifier from about '72. It's heavy, noisy, puts out a lot of heat and sucks electricity like I owned a power plant but it sure keeps things dry.
Good news. Keep us informed on how it develops. It will be interesting to see what the effects of 'Cat Cropping' will have on it.
I'm lucky, my cat won't touch my plants and hates the grow room. The lights hurt his eyes and the prominently displayed spray bottle and vacuum cleaner give him pause...
It will be safe, but taste like fertilizer.
IMHO, I wouldn't use any Miricale Gro product on my plants.
The only thing I use with a MG label on it is a measuring spoon. And I had to scrap the logo off because my plants would try to run away when they saw it.
To hell with the plant; you need to get some of that killer cat shit!
Your better off starting over. Cats don't like mint. A few drops of mint oil with water, or hot sauce,sprayed on the leaves will spoil kitties appetite for your greens.
Your cat may need some 'cat grass' too chew on. Cats...
OP if you can find out about your soil mix, what's in it and how much. It's good to know what's in it before you start adding your own nutes and risk worse damage.