There's a thread on here that has free Ebooks. It has jorges cerventis marijuhna handbook that covers everything. It kida sux cuz its on ur PC rather then in ur lap but its 500 pages of good info for free. Give me a second and ill find it for u
What do u plan on doin with ur seeds? Like r u jus gonna grow them out or start a pepetual grow? If ur looking for perpetual, ull want an ez to clone strain or ur gonna end up miserable waiting for roots
I have the same problem. Could be ur strains I'm at the 4 week margine. Some rooted some pushin roots, a few nuffing. Trust me I was pissed after I built this thing amd weeks went by with nuthin. My first cpl strains wouldn't root at all. The good thing about these cloners is that u don't have...
I was there the other day and in there 2 lane drive thru they had a sign that said, "plz choose shortest line". Who the fuk takes the longer line at a drive thru?
Nuffin tastes better then a joint but I perfer my bong. Its quick and ez and I don't have to use much so my weed lasts longer. I smoke about 2 grams a day aswell
As long as u gave it a good trim and a good 10days for the curing ull bee good to still May smell a lil grassy but once u break it open the nice weed smell will be there. Don't underestimate the internal moisture of ur bud. Jus cuz its crispy as fuk on the outside don't mean its ready for...
Google "wacking out the males roseman". Roseman is buble head that did a lot for the RIU comuntiy. He has a well detailed thread on here. I haven't seen him on here in a while otherwise hede be posting the link for u. Also the search engine is terible on this site that's y I...
U workin with 1 hobes? What ru covering with it. I have posted a few threads and PMed a few ppl that use these but still haven't gotten a straight answer
That's what I don't get. 10X10? I can't even see it covering 10 feet across with the rail let alone 10 feet wide? How the hell do they come up with 10X10? Like 10X10 is a square coverage where a track would make the coverage rectangle. I don't even see it covering 4X8 area properly but if sum1...
They r deff good as u can keep a 1000 about 6-8inches from ur canopy. But if u think it will relplace another light, ur wrong. U can cover more area with the mover but not as efective as 2 lights. Ur yeild will increase as A: ur lights will be closer to the plants which in turn is more intense...
Ya I cloned it a few times too and didn't really have sucess but I suk at the cloning department so it coulda been me. I did get a few to root from the sativa strain but its so tall and lanky with small buds and mad skiny leaves. It looks like its sik almost or deformed its so different. They r...
A mnth ago I woulda sain no.but I recently pulled a heavy indica pheno. Outta 5 seeds we got 4 very heavy on the sativa and 1 very heavy on the indica. The first 2 we grew out were heavy on the sativa. We were not impressed. We did the other three and was very impressed with the 1 indica...
Outta 5 seeds we got 4 very heavy on the sativa and 1 very heavy on the indica. The first 2 we grew out were heavy on the sativa. We were not impressed. We did the other three and was very impressed with the indica pheno. Very frosty and dense. They smell exactly like popeye cigertte candy stick...
Thnx guys and ya ppl like brick top made a difference. He's got some very long posts but all informative. Its been like this since xmas ide say. Up untill then there was lotsa info being passed around. Now it seams more like toke and talk shit
Hey guys what r some other sites with good info and helpful, friendly ppl. This site has been good to me but over the past cpl mnths I find the skilled ppl not on here so much. Questions r often unanswered here whether its mine or sum1 elses. Lately its jus the same questions over and over agn...