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  1. Norby Grown

    Powdery Mildew

    The PM that affects your eggplant is not the same PM that will infect cannabis plants.
  2. Norby Grown

    General Election- Dr. Bob

    I hear this argument a lot. What makes you think the 47% that didn't turn out would've voted differently? The Dems in this state vote for transport laws. What makes you think that more dems would help towards legalization? Libertarians and green party maybe but Dems JUST LAST YEAR added a...
  3. Norby Grown

    MMMA Fail ?

    Lol!! I've been outright banned, can't get to the site anymore. Come to think of it I had paid my dues too to become a member and I also threatened no one or broke no other rules. Mal outright said he had trolled the site and he left on his own. Who knows the thread of him leaving was...
  4. Norby Grown

    MMMA Fail ?

    They have a new feature where you can visit the site but you can't post or reply to pm's. Kinda a partial ban I guess. Guess they didn't like that I pissed Mal off enough to leave. Although his going away thread and poll have been deleted. Maybe he's taking my advice and giving himself a...
  5. Norby Grown

    Broad mites

    Had a few minutes. /LABORATORY ANIMALS: Subchronic or Prechronic Exposure/ In a 14-week oral toxicity study, BSN 2060 (/spiromesifen/, purity = 99.5-100%) was administered to 10 Wistar rats/sex/dose in the diet at dose...
  6. Norby Grown

    Hemp-sun Mosaic Virus

    Glossy is the term used to describe the appearance of the shoots of plants affected with broad mites from what I've read. Shiny may be another descriptor. And I was led to believe this was commonplace. Because some people don't like when you don't take their word and then they get sarcastic...
  7. Norby Grown

    Hemp-sun Mosaic Virus

    Sorry, not sure if this is sarcasm. It's a visual inspection that accompanies the potency test. They do it with a 100x scope I think. I have seen results for finding spider mites, thrips, fungus gnats, powdery mildew, mold, etc. Don't you think they would have found broad mites in teh buds...
  8. Norby Grown

    Hemp-sun Mosaic Virus

    I've been wrong before and even apologized. I was wrong in the powdery mildew thread and admitted it. So I'm sorry but you're wrong. :)
  9. Norby Grown

    Hemp-sun Mosaic Virus

    I'm no virologist. I only know when things change in my grow. If tmv doesn't infect cannabis then I have another virus that does. Not really worth me tracking someone down and sending something off. I really don't care what the name of it is just that I'm getting rid of it. If I was...
  10. Norby Grown

    Hemp-sun Mosaic Virus

    Read the article. There is more than just TMV. And with the # of people who test plants I'm not surprised TMV hasn't been found but it looks like others have been found which act similarly.
  11. Norby Grown

    Hemp-sun Mosaic Virus

    There is NO gloss to the leaves and yields are only reduced in ONE plant. Does that really sound like Broad mites and if so why are they so feared if they do hardly ANY damage? Do you think the 100x scope for a visual inspection at a testing lab would catch them? I've had at least 12 tests...
  12. Norby Grown

    Hemp-sun Mosaic Virus Then it's HSV or HMV or TSV, etc.
  13. Norby Grown

    Broad mites

    Umm, that's a quote from Larry the cable guy. Blue collar comedy tour? I was having fun, not butt hurt. Try again. I just don't like the way you treat newbies and the way you lie. Pissed, ya, butt hurt, nope. And not attempting, succeeding. You FINALLY read the whole tox report now on teh...
  14. Norby Grown

    Hemp-sun Mosaic Virus

    That nothing is wrong. Nothing is "wrong" now except that cannatonic is acting "finicky" and I see things like a leaf that's not symmetrical or a few leaves with streaks in them or the cannatonics shoot leaves fold when I water too much or the main leaves slowly browning from the bottom up...
  15. Norby Grown

    Hemp-sun Mosaic Virus

    I get every new strain tested for potency and they do a visual inspection under a scope each time. They've never found any mites. This has been going on for almost 2 years and I've had many new seeds cracked which got tested. And as I've said, these plants in veg will be going into flower in...
  16. Norby Grown

    Hemp-sun Mosaic Virus

  17. Norby Grown

    Hemp-sun Mosaic Virus

    My Mob Boss just started this swirly leaf thing after growing it for a year with that never happening. Haven't seen that symptom appear in other strains that i remember. Different pics from TMV in cannabis all seem to appear in one strain or another in my garden and the Walker Kush just...
  18. Norby Grown

    Hemp-sun Mosaic Virus Like I said, whatever you want to call it. And that guy was wrong in saying no virus affects hemp or cannabis so I just ignored them. Tobacco isn't hemp or cannabis either. Virus' can cross species. They may not be as devastating as in...
  19. Norby Grown

    Hemp-sun Mosaic Virus

    Time on what? First off there is no gloss to any of the leaves. My yields are fine to record yields. I plan on vacationing and getting rid of all of my strains and starting over. There is no time to save. Do broad mites cause variagation on the leaves(mosaic patterning)? As I said earlier...
  20. Norby Grown

    Hemp-sun Mosaic Virus

    What about what?