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    is deironized water okay ? isit the same as distilled, what is the best water to use

    nobody has an answer to what water to use for plants ?

    going on holiday for 12 days need a watering solution! help, ideas?

    well i have a pond in my garden? the water in there i tested its about Ph7-8 itscloser to 8 .. would the water from there be okay or should i put a buket out and collect next time it rains ?

    going on holiday for 12 days need a watering solution! help, ideas?

    yeh im in soil, .. how much should the plants be watered , say once every 3 days . or a little water every day ? ill get a garbarge bin for the resvior so i have loads of water spare, i might try and get hold of a smaller pump so i dont over water my plants .. i might just do a test to see how...

    going on holiday for 12 days need a watering solution! help, ideas?

    i think i might use one acutually . ive got a hoze lock distribuiter so im going to hook it up to a fisk pump and but it in a bucket full of water.. and plug the pump on a timer. so when it turns on my plants are watered . the pump ive got in my shed is a 500gph pump i think so ill only need it...

    going on holiday for 12 days need a watering solution! help, ideas?

    can i ask this question as noone is answering my post .. is deironized water okay ? isit the same as distilled, what is the best water to use so im using de-ironized water for 'car batterys and irons'. without any nutes its about ph 6.5-7 with nutes it goes above 7 so i use Ph down...

    going on holiday for 12 days need a watering solution! help, ideas?

    how big were your plants an pots ? i was thinking about using these

    is deironized water okay ? isit the same as distilled, what is the best water to use

    so im using de-ironized water for 'car batterys and irons'. without any nutes its about ph 6.5-7 with nutes it goes above 7 so i use Ph down isit the same as distilled will it cause any problems, will using normal tap water set out in an open container for 2 days be better ?, 'its free' should i...

    going on holiday for 12 days need a watering solution! help, ideas?

    thanks alot , i needed the advice from an experianced grower (Y) +REP

    going on holiday for 12 days need a watering solution! help, ideas?

    im doing a Scorg grow with a diy cool tube so height isnt too much of a problem, hopfully the screen will keep them low , ill pull them under just before i go, im planning to switch to 12/12 just when i get back , will having no nutes for 2 weeks just before flowering cause any problems? i will...

    going on holiday for 12 days need a watering solution! help, ideas?

    i like that sounds good . no way i could over water my plants (Y) ill try it over the next week, see how it goes. so just have one end in the pot buried and the other in a bucket of water, can nutes still be passed though the 'cotton' or not?

    going on holiday for 12 days need a watering solution! help, ideas?

    im thinking im just going to put a pond pump into a bucket and hook it up to a 3 plant water distrubuiter and just put it on a timer . so i can water my plant with intervals instead of it soaking it water ? .. i got it in a cabnet in my garage .. and my neightbors are getting curious so i want...

    going on holiday for 12 days need a watering solution! help, ideas?

    not really got the money for a pump and stuff .. i have a hose lock distributor but i dont have the pump and that needs to be connected to a hose pipe . im thinking of a external one could i use a bucket as a resivor? get a pump (what kind of pump i have no clue) and hook them all up to the...

    going on holiday for 12 days need a watering solution! help, ideas?

    im pritty sure there female . feminized seeds with female preflowers ha .. so bacilsy just leave them in the bath tub ? ill need to put my light in there aswell i guess? couldnt i just fill out a tray put all my pots init that are inside my grow cabnet ? same idea just without transplanting them ?

    going on holiday for 12 days need a watering solution! help, ideas?

    so im going on holiday in about a month for 12 days i need to find a watering solution thinking of those bottle stakes things somehting like the link or similar...

    I need a little help sexing

    the bottom pics you can see the female parts so i would guess female, possiably a hermie if you see balls aswell?

    I need a little help sexing

    hopfully that helps

    250W MH/HPS, 5 Green House El Nino & 2 White Widow, 1st Grow

    thanks im only growing 3 plants atm, in about a 0.5m² area just fitted a diy cool tube to get my light closer to the plants i can easily get it about 6-8 in now from the 15in that it was, hopfully that should help. before i had a cooltube it was far too hot to get the blub close to my plants so...

    is my plant showing sex on 18/6? i think its a hermie too ? double BAD! i have pics

    coz its different , not everyday u see a cop growing ..