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    too mind wind, or am i just being paranoid, i have pics! please see .

    nope .. i might be able to put it on my screen but then i might block out ligh to the some of the leaves on the side

    too mind wind, or am i just being paranoid, i have pics! please see .

    so i had a problem that im sure all cabnet growers have had . where to put the fan ? when your tight on space its a little hard to find somewhere for the fan . i bascialy screwed it into the back board and have it blowing from the top of the plants down .. ? youll see in my pics . but now i...

    Grow Room in Small Cupboard Must See , Could be the Perfect Grow Cupboard?

    bummmppy bumpp :) ? anyone else got any ideas ?

    Grow Room in Small Cupboard Must See , Could be the Perfect Grow Cupboard?

    yeh if you could show me come picks that would be helpful. do the plants not need light from almost all angles or they will just lean in towards the bulb ?

    Grow Room in Small Cupboard Must See , Could be the Perfect Grow Cupboard?

    is the cool tube that effective . dont wanna go burning my house down ha . yeh i needed a short strain. so lowryders would be perfect.

    Grow Room in Small Cupboard Must See , Could be the Perfect Grow Cupboard?

    so ive had my loft converted into a room and on the side i have two cuboards . one of which i would like to turn into a grow box. i dont really want to spend much more money . i will only spend money for mylar to line it if its worth it . i have a 250W ballast & Mh & HPS bulb, i have a grow in...

    What kind of hps is better, need quick answer ? Philips the best?

    its doesn't spec what the philips one is the sylyainva ones are aroun 33000

    What kind of hps is better, need quick answer ? Philips the best?

    the sylvaina bulbs come in Colour Temp (K)2050 is that okay dosent it need to be 2700k?

    What kind of hps is better, need quick answer ? Philips the best?

    are the philips son T hps lights better, because of the brand or are the hps bulbs specific for growing better such as sylvania? or doesnt it really matter ive seen a philips one on easy for a 10er

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    ha thanks for the help much apprieicated +REP ..

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    so if i can water it down and have correct ph it should be okay ? or i have some baby bio and tomorite laying around will they be okay ?

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    i know its a bit rank but i see that watering down urine is a good source of nitrogen? and its free do you know anything about this , im expectinh you dont

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    the soil said it should be packed with enough nutes for three weeks , so i should have guessed it had enough? it happened a few weeks ago ive taken off 2 sets of leaves ? but i though instead of cutting them off il let them fall off?

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    its usualy around that just the last week been hot so its affecting my plants .. just heat related problem though ....

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    1) my leaves started point upwards. its really hot day today so my garage is like a sauna where my grow cabnet is .. its reaching like 38degress C in there around 100F? ive got the door open now with the light off. are they just trying to reduce surface area to take in less heat? 2) the...

    Mylar Reflector?

    i had a little bit of mylar left over once doing my wardrobe and i had a diy filter with foil so i just replaced it with mylar works like a treat

    Am i the youngest RIU user ? check out a 16yr old grow grow ?

    when i was under 18 my old girl used to let me grow, maybe he was allowed too ha

    Am i the youngest RIU user ? check out a 16yr old grow grow ?

    whata dick , for a kid he got a decent grow . better then some of the 'epic fails' on here lol