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  1. J

    THC Development

    At what point in the life cycle of the plant does the THC develop to the point where a stone can occur?
  2. J

    How long?

    I believe they are in week 5-6. The trichomes are white but most of the hairs are red or turning red. This plant was badly stressed so it's timing could be off.
  3. J

    Estimate time...

    How much longer would the experts out there guess for this plant?
  4. J

    How long?

    These are some pretty crappy pics but how long do you think I have left? This is a Hindu Kush that has suffered through some serious stress at two different points. I'm hoping she coughs up a decent yield. Thanks for the feedback!
  5. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    This plant is my first and experienced some pretty high stress during the lifespan. How far along does everyone think I am?
  6. J

    Flowering Question

    Ok, here are some pics. What do you think?
  7. J

    Flowering Question

    But how long would you estimate I have left? And is it natural for a single, indoor plant not to smell that much?
  8. J

    Hairs question

    I'm a total newb to this so bear with me here: Regarding the hairs...mine are mostly red now (except the ones ta the top). Do they drop and fold into the bud while still on the plant or after drying happens? I know that's stupid but I'm not sure if I should be looking for those hairs to fold...
  9. J

    Flowering Question

    I'm working on my first plant... Right now, about 60% of all of my hairs are red or amber. However, the bud itself still shows nothing but white trichomes still. In your estimation, how far am I? It's Hindu Kush and this plant saw some real stress during its likespan...i estimate that it is...
  10. J

    Red Hairs and Flowering - Question

    Based on my description, how long would you guess before it's mature enough to chop down?
  11. J

    Red Hairs and Flowering - Question

    I'm working on my first plant... Right now, about 60% of all of my hairs are red or amber. However, the bud itself still shows nothing but white trichomes. In your estimation, how far am I? Also, my middle and lower buds have most, if not all, of the red haired bud. The stuff on top is mostly...
  12. J

    Trichomes question

    Once you feel it's time to check the 'doneness' of your plant from where, exactly, on the plant do you snip off a physical sample to view under a microscope?
  13. J

    When to taste

    When, during the flowering cycle, has your bud matured enough to just TRY IT? And where on the plant (top, middle, bottom) am I most likely to find a good 'test' bud? Thanks!!
  14. J

    Watering issue

    No one knows about this plant and no one will. Has anyone used any devices to water their plant while hone for several days?
  15. J

    Watering issue

    I haven choice but to leave town for 10 days. My single plant is a couple weeks into flowering and doing great. Two questions: 1) I'm using a CFL and this plant us still stretching. Would it be ok to raise the light about 10 inches off the top of the plant while I'm gone? Will that harm the...
  16. J

    Flowering Stage - Pics and Question

    This is my first time so I didn't know what to expect. I think it's been in the flowering stage for maybe two weeks. So 6 more weeks sounds about right?
  17. J

    Flowering Stage - Pics and Question

    If I have done this right, I have uploaded two pics of my one plant (Hindu Kush). It's in the flowering stage, but I have two questions regarding the plant: 1) How do the flowers look thus far? Am I headed in the right direction? 2) Based on what you see, how much longer will it be before...
  18. J

    Male's smokable?

    I have one plant, and it looks like it will be a male. The buds can be smoked right? Or is it advisable to just start over again?
  19. J

    Zero Flowering

    Kerovan, Yea, that's a typo. It should read "It's now been in the 12/12 stage for 16 days."
  20. J

    Zero Flowering

    So, it sounds like i can try a couple of things: 1. Got to complete darkness for 24 hours. 2. Once out of that period I can drop from 12/12 to 11/13. I have a 2700K bulb on the way so I know that will help a bit. What about supercropping? Has anyone tried that and is it even advisable?