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    Nitrogen deficiency

    Started week 3 yesterday it's an autoflower btw
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    Nitrogen deficiency

    Think I've got myself a nitrogen deficiency going on I've lost two of my lowest leave now the next two are yellowing and the leaf stems are turning red. I think it's down to switching to bloom feed too fast and completely stopping veg feed, to counteract it I have started feeding it 2ml of veg...
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    News on my hermie nightmare

    I've used the Dutch master reverse and there's no sign of anymore how ever I'm going to keep my eye out
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    News on my hermie nightmare

    I found a few nanners last night only about 4 this time I sprayed her with the reverse formula hopefully it'll sort her out how ever the nanners looked like they weren't new ones and there had been no circulation on them for them to spread to if there is pollination I'm hoping very little :)
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    News on my hermie nightmare

    I try to keep thermometer around the same height as the top to get it as accurate as possible I wish I bought one with probes now so I could test different parts, however I couldn't see any pollen in the nanners I pulled one was yellow and that looked like it was no where near matured
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    News on my hermie nightmare

    Do you think it was caused by stress or genetics ? I'm going Home and putting the reverse straight onto it after I pluck the remaining nanners off, also the only thing I found strange was that the nanners were all on the crown of the buds none on the sides
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    News on my hermie nightmare

    26 degrees 34-40 humidity but I left her for two days this weekend and came back temps on 30 and a few little bananas
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    News on my hermie nightmare

    Done so much research this morning and the only thing I think k can do to save myself from these "nanners" ruining my crops is dutchmaster reverse. I plucked about 10 nanners off last night none of them had any pollen in to what I could see they look premature how ever if they have pollinated...
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    The dreaded nanners

    I think it was heat because I was away for two days when it happened and I got back it was on 30 degrees but my flowers had doubled in size, I don't know whether it was a nute issue from a fortnight ago. I'm going to buy dutchmaster reverse and hopefully it'll stop the growth of seed and...
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    The dreaded nanners

    They looked under developed to what I've seen photos of so I'm hoping they weren't producing pollen and I couldn't find any when I dissected them. I will let you know how I get off
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    The dreaded "nanners"

    I got a 2x2x5 tent, 250 hps, 4" extractor with rhino filter, royal queen seeds, creamatic it had really good reviews so I think the nanners are down to me unfortunately the heat got a little two high when I was away it went up to 30 degrees when it usually runs on 26 :(
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    The dreaded nanners

    I want as much feed back as possible and thought it would be best in this section, I read that the "nanners" don't bust like the sacks they are the inner part of the sack and they contain the pollen ? Is that wrong then ?
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    The dreaded nanners

    Come home from two days away and yes I have nanners so I carefully looked all over my plant found about 10-12 nanners and plucked them immediately, how ever they were very early stages they were green and small I dissected them far away from the crop as possible. I couldn't see any pollen in any...
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    The dreaded "nanners"

    I really hope your right, this is the best news I could of heard. You being a well known member and an experienced grower gives me hope I'm just going to keep an eye out for the little devils I really hope it doesn't ruin my harvest I've put so much effort into her, her buds are huge already to
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    The dreaded "nanners"

    Come home from two days away and yes I have nanners so I carefully looked all over my plant found about 10-12 nanners and plucked them immediately, how ever they were very early stages they were green and small I dissected them far away from the crop as possible. I couldn't see any pollen in any...
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    First grow updated

    Probably been in flower for a week, since the little white hairs arrived
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    First grow updated

    here you go people, thank you for all your help I don't think I would of got this far without you. Here's my set up and what going on and I got some photos for you to, I'm growing a royal queen creamatic (day 32) 250 hps, 18/6 schedule, Samurai bloom and grow feeds. Given her half the...
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    Height problems

    So you think super cropping would be better than tying the top down ? I was going to tie the top down as far as possible then spread the side branches out so I have an even canopy, even when I super crop do I tie the top down that's been broken to stop it straightening out ?
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    Height problems

    starting to worry about the height my plant may reach, it's 17" at 28 days old it's still in pre flower. I'm thinking of tying down the top cola 90 degrees just to loose the vertical height the side branches are a few inches behind so I'm hoping for a flatter canopy making my circulation system...
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    Is it too late to low stress train

    That's what I got to play with pretty much