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  1. A

    Is it too late to low stress train

    Overall growth I don't want her more than 22" 24" max, she's already in pre flower I read that if you switch the feed to bloom it'll slow down the vertical growth. How ever I measured her today at 17" if she's 18" toMorrow I'll Bend the top down, btw it is an auto flower. I want a more even...
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    Is it too late to low stress train

    Hey guys my grows going great I just think she's going to grow too tall, she's 28 days old and 17" to the tip of her top bud. I want to just bend the top 90 degrees to loose a couple of inches. Is it to late to do this or do you think she isn't going to get much more vertical growth ? The top...
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    Googled it, need you guys

    Thank you I'm glad you guys think I'm on the right track I did lift the light last night I took it up an extra two inches, hopefully the yellow hasn't got worse i check when I got home. Thing is I been feeding her the same for the last two weeks I didn't introduce nutes until ten days and she...
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    Googled it, need you guys

    I'm going to try the run off method today when I get home, also I haven't got a cool tube but I got a good ventilation system going and I got a circulation fan blowing between the light and plant. When I place my hand on the top part of the plant I can feel the fan pretty strong and the...
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    Nute burn ? Light burn ? Wind burn ?

    I bouncing mine off the walls to just to strengthen her if she gets a heavy yield, I'm hoping it's nute burn so I can solve the problem easily, I'm going to keep my feed below 1/2 the entire grow and maybe take it up to 3/4 on the last two weeks before flushing
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    Googled it, need you guys

    That's really helpful I don't know the ppm of my run off unfortunately, I'm using seedling soil which had mutes in it anyways and I been using half strength veg feed (samurai) I been using the same mix of feed for about a week and it was the last of the mix before I went to bed last night, thee...
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    Nute burn ? Light burn ? Wind burn ?

    got home from work everything's looking amazing and she's doing really well, 21 days old she's got new nodes flying out everywhere and pestils popping up to. Just don't know what these yellow leaf tips are. They are only at the top of her on the fresh leaves, I don't know whether it's my...
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    Googled it, need you guys

    It's a royal queen creamatic they sometimes have purple, it's only on the leave stems like little purple dots but only on the bottom two leaves, I'm guessing it's nute burn. If I'm going to flush it won't it over water and upset it ? I'm new to this she's my first plant
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    Googled it, need you guys

    got home from work everything's looking amazing and she's doing really well, 21 days old she's got new nodes flying out everywhere and pestils popping up to. Just don't know what these yellow leaf tips are. They are only at the top of her on the fresh leaves, I don't know whether it's my...
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    Light schedules and repotting

    I been thinking of it dude I've read into autos a lot I heard the 18/6 everyone seems to say is best for yield, I'm just trying to hit the nail on the head with quality might switch it later on. Thanks for the positive advice it's nice not to have my throat ripped out
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    Light schedules and repotting

    Thanks for the help, yeh that's how I repot my chillies. I cut the pot down the side with a scissors avoiding roots and just slide the pot off. Probably going to do some research on re potting with least stress as possible first. I got a 5'x2'x2' secret jarden with a 4" extractor circulation fan...
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    Light schedules and repotting

    I've put up some picture for you dude
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    Light schedules and repotting

    I got one female she shown her first signs of sex today it was a feminised see but I still had my fingers crossed, she's 15 days old I only want the one plant to start with so I can really pay it some attention I'm not after a massive yield just some quality smoke. It's a creamatic royal queen...
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    Light schedules and repotting

    Currently got my auto on 16/8 and she's doing really well. again she's my first plant and I'm new to this, but I was going to bring her to 12/12 and I've been told she'll take about 3 weeks longer if so is this true ? Or take longer at all ? I've also got her in a 2 litre pot and I later found...
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    Saving pollen

    got a cracking male that's two days into flower, I also have a seedling female that just two days old (both autos) I'm wondering how long I can keep them both in the same tent together, I don't want to contaminate this female but I want to save some pollen from this male and he isn't ready to...
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    Homemade "cool tube"

    Cheers for the help guys I'll try I little fan blowing into my reflector see if that work, if not I'll figure a way to get the hot hair from the light with my extractor. I think the best method would be have my scrubber with 4" duct drawing air from the light because there will still be air...
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    Homemade "cool tube"

    What about keeping my exhaust system as it is with the scrubber in the same place and on the base of the scrubber is hole going up inside, if I could fix 4" duct to that hole neatly and then have that duct running to the light with the pain of class. Just a suggestion ?
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    Homemade "cool tube"

    Hope this helps
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    Homemade "cool tube"

    I don't have the room in my tent for a cool tube and filter so I'm thinking of sliding a pain of glass onto the bottom of my reflector using some fixings I can easily make. But then to extract the heat from the "cool tube" I was just going to butt my filter up against the open side of my...
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    First grow worries

    Well the cheese is a free seed that I had and could be male as sad as it sounds I kind of hope it is because I want this as stealthy as possible and the other is a feminized creamatic auto anyone death with them before ?