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    Heat problem in growbox

    So, it was time to move the seedlings closer to my lights. After moving them, my surface-of-soil temps shot up to 90.. What's a good cooling method for this? It's in a rubbermaid box setup, one intake at bottom and an exhaust at the top. Had been keeping things VERY cool before, but now that my...
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    Final Harvest: 400 Grams [CFL]

    She's got no figure, that's why she looks like a man. Only one asset. Everything else is blah.
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    Copper Hydroxide?

    need UB for this one.
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    My leavs are twisting and turning

    Pictures would be nice. Sounds like heat/moisture stress. How often are you watering and what are your temps.
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    Is this a Suitable soil mix

    Potting soil is potting soil. MG will not cause problems. Blind tend to like leading the blind. That potting soil will be fine, don't add anything to it. It probably has enough NPK for the seedling stage, so don't use any bloodmeal/ fertilizer for a couple or a few weeks.
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    room humidity

    no problem, gotta start somewhere, might as well be RIU haha.
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    Almost finished with first grow. Could I have just had a bad plant? PICS

    Add some dolomite lime to your soil. I add it to all of my soils. Probably wont have it at home depot or wal mart. Get it off ebay, or amazon. Wherever.
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    Almost finished with first grow. Could I have just had a bad plant? PICS

    I wouldn't recommend buying a cheap all-in-one. I did this and it wasn't worth it. You can always try. What I buy is something like this:
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    room humidity

    It will if you're treating your girls right. Lack of color and luster can also be a nutrient deficiency problem, but just take it one step at a time :) Get the humidity to a better level (40% is even ok, if that's all your humidifier can do) then see if it makes a difference through a grow. As...
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    room humidity

    humidity helps the stomata to function at their best.. keeps the plant overall healthier and keeps you from having scatchy, thin, and papery leaves. Bad leaves = bad photosynthesis = bad buds. Your humidity shouldn't be that low unless you live somewhere really dry. In that case, I would buy a...
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    Just inherited a house with a good sized attic!

    S'all good. Just trying to do the best I can with what I have. I'd like a high yield (even though I wont use it all) but like I said, I have my ways of making it last. Had some 8 month old blueberry that smelled, tasted, and hit as good as it did when I first got it.
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    Almost finished with first grow. Could I have just had a bad plant? PICS

    From a wise elder in not only MJ cultivation but vegetable cultivation: "Who told you MG was terrible? If it was, why would it sell tons upon tons of soil every year?" Miracle Gro works fine for me, just have to understand the slow release nutes AND when and how much you can add your own. Don't...
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    Just inherited a house with a good sized attic!

    This is my attic and my 4x4x8 grow room. I haven't finished coating it with mylar but you can see my AC vent which will pour cold air directly into the grow room. The attic has insulation all around which I'll even out later, it also has insulation between the support beams of the roof. The big...
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    Just inherited a house with a good sized attic!

    Well, true, but you CAN give too much light, not saying your boy is, and I'm not looking to harvest vast amounts. I'm wanting this to be fun and to save a little money in the long run by smokin my own grow. A 400w is all I'm capable of and this thread isn't about my yield or my lighting. This is...
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    Comparison of T5HO bulbs - PLEASE READ!!!

    Come on guys, lets keep RIU and weed what they're supposed to be.. fun and relaxing.
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    Almost finished with first grow. Could I have just had a bad plant? PICS

    Honestly, I'd go to home depot for a soil test (4 vials, 1ph, 1n, 1p, 1k) and you can test the soil the plant is currently using, just follow the directions. They have these tests from time to time. If they don't, hit a hydro store and pick one up. Mine worked perfectly and I use it around 3...
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    Comparison of T5HO bulbs - PLEASE READ!!!

    Hay guys, who haz the bigger weenie!?
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    Just inherited a house with a good sized attic!

    That's overkill. Two 1000w? Tell your "boy" to stop wasting money. First of all, the area I will be using will be a lot smaller initially. I'm not going to stick my plants into flowerig at 4 feet :wall: They will be probably 1 or 2 feet, I gave the dimensions of the room for exhaust so that I...
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    Just inherited a house with a good sized attic!

    The thing is, I live in a "tropical" country so our temperature right now is around 85. In summer it's 90 or 95. If the exhaust ends up only being 90, wouldn't they have no clue? Anyways, I'm not TOO worried about it, where I lived the government is very lax on MJ, but I figure better safe than...
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    Just inherited a house with a good sized attic!

    I've got a grow room inside the house (this house is small but it's good cause I live somewhere else.) I'm wanting to vent through the attic because the AC only keeps room at around 75 because of attic leaks. So, I figure it's better to have it vent up there.