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  1. Z

    My first real grow :)

    There doing great heres some pics. The auto stretches so much! about a half inch just yesterday lol. i switched the lights another hour off last night which means im at 16/8 on my way to 12/12 an hour at a time! The exodus cheese is just going crazy, i cant wait for flower time on her. i wanna...
  2. Z

    Blue Cheese, Auto New York City and Auto White Widow

    They look great!! your going to have some fat colas.
  3. Z

    My first real grow :)

    i remembering reading that you shouldnt really fuck with autos at all so i didnt lst her but the exodus cheese is super lst'd check out the last pic update and see if i did a good job. i think i did its got like 7 or 8 undercolas about a half inch below the main cola so thats nice.
  4. Z

    My first real grow :)

    ahhh i see so they continue to stretch thru like 5-6 weeks of flowering and just throw mad pistols huh?
  5. Z

    My first real grow :)

    check it out
  6. Z

    My first real grow :)

    auto somango
  7. Z

    My first real grow :)

    question, looking at that autoflower how much do you think i will yield? 1 main cola and 4 medium size with 2 nodes and 2 small popcorns with only 1 node. im thinking not more than a quarter oz being the whole plant is like a foot tall, but i hope to be proven wrong lol. what do you think?
  8. Z

    My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

    Damn bro congratz on the beautiful flowers!! i hope to grow something like this one day. lol that blue widow is amazingly frosty
  9. Z

    My first real grow :)

    Those fans are nice prolly better than the ones i have in there. 140mm intake and 120mm exhaust. the whole thing is sitting on a heating mat hoping temps reach 78-80 but doubtful. that sounds good to me 1 week 24/7 week 2 20/4 then into veg room for 18/6. i was also reading about perpetual...
  10. Z

    My first real grow :)

    good idea, maybe i will just take one off my computer i have like 5 on that bad boy lol. what do you think about 24/7 for the seedlings then 18/6 in veg room? should i run 18/6 for seedlings? i might get cold in there w/o the light on tho. i only plan to use this box for first 2 weeks.
  11. Z

    My first real grow :)

    Thanks bro, built this in 5 minutes today thought it would work pretty well for seedings till veg state!
  12. Z

    My first real grow :)

    hey riu! this auto is growing like crazy. cant wait to see what happens in another 9 days lol. The exodus cheeese is amazing as well. pretty much doubled in width in those 9 days as well. fan leaves are getting huge! and since i lst'd i have 8 or 9 main tops and there all pretty level which is...
  13. Z

    My first real grow :)

    germinated another GH exodus cheese and mandala chill-om 2 days ago, going into the dirt today. im thinking the ten chill-om seeds i bought may be a bunk batch. this will be the 3rd seed im growing from the ten and the first 2 were just crappy(slow growth and dead seedling). hopefully not but im...
  14. Z

    My first real grow :)

    thanks s420. i will prolly wait 2-3 more weeks for the buds to start swelling then cut it. maybe even cut an hour a week till 12/12.
  15. Z

    My first real grow :)

    Hey guys just wondering, my auto is going great, but i want to flower my fem cheese! you think switching from 18/6 to 12/12 will effect my auto?
  16. Z

    My first real grow :)

    First two are exodus cheese, Look at that undergrowth! last 3 are auto somango. I transplanted her and she stopped growing and started flowering so next time i will definitely plant in final pot. but she looks good and is flowering. Actually shes my first flowering cannabis plant!!
  17. Z

    HPS question.

    okay perfect will be buying this setup a week after rent! cant wait!
  18. Z

    HPS question.

    i have a plan! Getting a 400 watt hps/mh apollo cool tube light. its only 138 bucks! ive been researching and im going to build a DIY carbon filter and mod a stanley blower fan in my closet. heres a link or...
  19. Z

    My first real grow :)

    Both looking great! Buying an APOLLO 400 WATT HPS/MH AFTER RENT ON THE FIRST!!!! So excited to not have to fuck with cfls anymore. lol Definitely getting a cool tube and some sort of inline fan i just dont wanna spent a crap ton of money on the fan. maybe ganna rig something up with a diy carbon...
  20. Z

    HPS question.

    How is apollo brand ballast?