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  1. davie12


    how you doing guys? just checked my plants there and all 6 have the white pistils showing and 1 also has a small pod growing about half way down her is this a sign its a hermie?
  2. davie12


    cool , thanks guys, much appreciated.
  3. davie12


    thanks for reply m8t, might veg for afew weeks.
  4. davie12


    i was thinking of starting some autos and was wondering if they work ok starting from 12/12. any advice would be great.
  5. davie12

    brown bugs in my soil? tiny not.microscopic but very tiny almost a small mosquito

    i always get gnats with MG soil, everytime. i watered the other day and the larvae was coming out with the run off.
  6. davie12

    How important is pearlite?

    phew! thats a relief. cheers i'll do that with them.
  7. davie12

    Purple Eurkle grow 600 watt hps

    hope they fix it soon im choking to see these pics.
  8. davie12

    How important is pearlite?

    How important is pearlite? my plants are nearly 4 weeks old, doing 12/12 from seed. was just wondering if it was essential to have pearlite mixed in, i have the plants in the final pots, so how could i go about getting some in there without fucking up the roots and doing some damage?
  9. davie12

    My first post.... how am I doing?

    looks good m8t. i have plants a week younger and are a bit smaller. what strain is it? mine is big bang.
  10. davie12

    lst'd plant growing sloooooooow!

    Bollocks!! wouldnt even look like that after 5 weeks.
  11. davie12

    What happens when you switch to 12/12 right after topping?

    i;ve just veged for 3 weeks and switched to 12/12, would topping or F.I.Ming yield more?
  12. davie12

    12/12 from seed to harvest

    hey guys, can i top plants if i 12/12 from seed?
  13. davie12

    12/12 from seed to harvest

    check out these chins
  14. davie12

    12/12 from seed to harvest

    could be worse
  15. davie12

    12/12 from seed to harvest

    Do you think she had a bong before she went on this show?? lol
  16. davie12

    12/12 from seed to harvest

    A.K.A Booty call lol.
  17. davie12

    12/12 from seed to harvest

    think how this poor chap feels lol.
  18. davie12

    12/12 from seed to harvest

    thanks m8t , youve been a great help. cheers
  19. davie12

    12/12 from seed to harvest

    no not yet, just open the door every hour or 2 during the day.
  20. davie12

    12/12 from seed to harvest

    ventilation isnt the greatest, got 1 small fan . aye 1 off them stretched quite alot although it has seemed to half stopped.