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  1. davie12

    Fucked Up!!!

    just under half an inch. aye a thought so. ive just stared some more white widow, any tips so they survive would be much appreciated.
  2. davie12

    Fucked Up!!!

    once my seeds sprouted i put them in soil on sunday, nothing happend. i checked them this morning and the root hadnt grown much, they were thin and floppy and the shell didnt open much. is it safe to say theyre fucked and could someone tell me what couldve went wrong please???
  3. davie12


    planted them about half an inch deep. had a poke around and the soil had dried pretty quick, seeds seem ok though... i think. soil is nice and moist, good temp aswell so i'll keep a close eye on them.
  4. davie12


    ok cheers everybody.
  5. davie12


    aye m8t i wet the soil, it seems to dry pretty quickly though. how far should i put the pots away from the light?
  6. davie12


    aye m8t i wet the soil, it seems to dry pretty quickly though. how far should i put the pots away from the light?
  7. davie12


    i germinated my seeds using the paper towel method, once they sprouted i put them in soil under a hps light, that was on sunday and nothing has happened yet. should i be worried if they have died etc? its the big bang seeds.
  8. davie12


    anybody know the best way to get melted film off a reflector?