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  1. davie12


    is it ok to use a 6oow hps straight from seed?? the seedlings have sprouted and want to make sure its not to powerful. i dont want to burn or dry them out etc.
  2. davie12

    is there something wrong??

    plants are looking healthy, paranoid stage over for now but not for long prob lol. all have 4 have came through and nearly 3inch tall, germed another 2 and got them planted, now for the waiting game.....:wall:
  3. davie12

    is there something wrong??

    ok thank dude. was getting worried for a while.
  4. davie12

    where to order seeds from

    try picknmixseeds co uk or attitude seeds.
  5. davie12

    is there something wrong??

    i planted 4 big bang 36 hours ago, 1 has sprouted and is about an inch and a half tall. im worried because the stalk is a kinda brown colour and not pale like usual. any ideas wots up and will it survive??
  6. davie12

    Germination Problems HELP!!!

    i'm having the same problems m8t, first time only 3 seeds sprouted then died when i put them in soil, the second time i got 6 to sprout, only 1 came thro the soil and stopped after about half an inch .
  7. davie12


    nice1 cheers!
  8. davie12


    just started my second grow and was wondering if some kind person could reccomend nutes?? preferably nutes i could buy in the U.K. any help would be much appreciated, thanks....
  9. davie12

    First Time Grow - Day 3. Need some help.

    i'm on my second grow, had some probs with seeds not sprouting etc, was also being a bit impataint, sum1 said to relax n let nature work and now 4 out of 6 have started to show, its so exciting lol.
  10. davie12

    best medicinal strains??

    i'm wanting to grow some medicinal stuff after this grow, does anybody know what are the best/usual medicinal strains??
  11. davie12

    First Time Grow - Day 3. Need some help.

    looks ok. good luck.
  12. davie12


    ive went ahead and planted them. hope it works out.
  13. davie12

    HPS bulbs?

    hps means High Pressure Sodium. go on ebay and type in grow lights then you will see all the diffrent types. i'm using a 600watt hps bulb for 6 plants but you could use a lower watt. also for vegetive growth i've heard metal halide is best then switch to hps for flower but i prefer to stick with...
  14. davie12


    this is my second grow. couple of weeks ago my seeds sprouted then died when i put them in soil (my fault probs). got some more seeds 3 days ago and started to germinate using paper towel method, after 48 hours they had cracked and showed signs of sprouting then i checked this morning and there...
  15. davie12

    Fucked Up!!!

    al try that thanks.
  16. davie12

    Fucked Up!!!

    you taking the piss???
  17. davie12

    Fucked Up!!!

    600 w hps, the temp was floating around 24 celsius. it was obvious even to an amatuer like myself the seeds were done, the roots where knackered, they hadnt grown much maby not even at all. is it possible i couldve contaminated while putting them in the soil?
  18. davie12

    Fucked Up!!!

    hps lights, it was obvious the seeds were done, they hadnt grown at all and could clearly see the roots were fucked.
  19. davie12

    Fucked Up!!!

    i use the paper towel method , some seedling soil from the garden centre. good luck wi your crop.
  20. davie12

    Fucked Up!!!

    i have , this is my second grow dude.