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  1. H

    830W t5, co2, just for fun :)

    VERY NICE! I have always wondered what these lights could and would do. I have two T5 lights myself. I have the big one with like 6 or 8 tubes? and the small one with 4 tubes. I have thought about trying this out and now you've inspired me. Here's what I was thinking, let me know what you think...
  2. H

    Got a bit bored... and laid off work...

    Here's a few more updates... I picked up my panel with built in timer. This thing was heavy so I had to make sure it was on a stud. It has eight, 220v outlets and four 120v ones for like fans and stuff. The three breakers are 20amp and the main one is a 40amp. The guy at Home Depot helped me...
  3. H

    Got a bit bored... and laid off work...

    So I'm finally going to bed and calling it a night. Here's a few pics of what I did today. I cut out a sheet of plywood, I thought it would be sturdier than drywall, and added a flange for the 10" ducting...
  4. H

    Ideas for my new shed

    This looks very nice and clean. Looking forward to this. Good luck and enjoy your cruise.
  5. H

    Got a bit bored... and laid off work...

    Thanks Imlovinit. Hopefully everything works out, but with everything else, I'm looking forward to the setbacks... :(
  6. H

    PLEAE one question looking for one answer

    Check it out man, I would go with at least 400 watts of power. I would veg for like 3-4 weeks, and super crop. Here, I'll try to put it in simple terms. When growing indoors, you normally only have light coming from the top. Therefore, all the lower branches are kind of useless. They will still...
  7. H

    Got a bit bored... and laid off work...

    So I went out and grabbed some more stuff from the store. I bought the lights and all the wood I would need to build my tables. I've been at it for a while and I managed to get the walls covered in that white reflection stuff and with help from a close friend, we got the tables framed up. I'm...
  8. H

    Got a bit bored... and laid off work...

    I wanted to fill that room up, not exactly 9 lights, that's a bit much, I was thinking more like 6?:neutral:
  9. H

    Got a bit bored... and laid off work...

    I was thinking of building tables... to catch runoff water so I don't mess up the floor. If I do that, I'm thinking of just going with some parabolic 1000 watt lights. I know, I know, they're not as efficient as horizontals, but I can get them for dirt cheap. So that's where I stand as of now...
  10. H

    Got a bit bored... and laid off work...

    So I got a bit bored and I got laid off work. Screw the economy. Anyway, I had a bit of money saved up and my bills can be covered off unemployment anyways so I took a bit out of my savings and decided to grow some herb. bongsmilie First I had to find the space. So I gave up my bedroom. It's...
  11. H

    Clone leaves turning yellow & crinkling

    What everyone else above me said. Those clones actually look very healthy and strong. Nice work. Expect roots right around day 10-14 for most strains.
  12. H

    how much molasses is ok

    True, I've tried both methods though and the straight flushing always works better for me. Different things work for different people though, so go for it. Let us know how it goes.
  13. H

    as newbie as it gets

    Growing is something you really want to put time and effort into. Even if you had everything set up right now, you still wouldn't have any product for at least three months. If you're going to do something that takes that long, might as well make it worth while, right? Do some reading and go...
  14. H

    earliest i can forceflower

    Doing everything right, if the plant was flowered at about three inches tall, it should be about anywhere from six to nine inches, maybe more, and should yield at least seven grams.
  15. H

    Tyin' it Up

    It depends on how far into the bloom cycle you are. Most plants stop growing after a few weeks of bloom and start concentrating on bud formation. I would take the main top and bend it down in and upside down "U" shape. Try to expose some of the smaller branches to the light. You can pierce a...
  16. H

    Virgin Grow 600w hps

    Put them in pots now. Make sure to bury most of the stem. Keep them under the less intense light for at least one week before moving them over to the 600. When you do move them over, make sure the light isn't too low, you'll burn them. Three weeks is fine without nutrients, after that, they'll...
  17. H

    I need advice

    From the question you are asking, I'm going to assume that you haven't had much experience, right? Anyways, I would strongly suggest you use floro's right now and don't put the seeds under your 400hps. Too much light.
  18. H

    how much molasses is ok

    I would've done the molasses as soon as you hit the fourth week of bloom, if not sooner. During the flushing period, I would say to just flush without it. That's just me though, I feel that if I were to add molasses, then it wouldn't really be considered a flush.
  19. H

    ph, nute lock? 2 plus weeks in, critical the dummie

    Ok, first thing first, explain yourself thoroughly and use complete sentences. I don't want to seem like an ass but it's really hard to understand what you're saying. I'm not even sure exactly what you're doing or what problem you have. If you were watering at 1600 ppm, I would lower it. I think...
  20. H


    I think he's asking how to get an accurate reading from his water... I would let the water stir and mix with the pump for like ten minutes.